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Found a new, real bookstore in NYC area - B & F Books in West New York, NJ

Here are some photos from my latest NYC area bookstore discovery (a couple of mins away from Manhattan - driving/by bus, etc) - B&F Books in West New York, NY - at 6-60th St.  Here's the store on Facebook .  And here's their website w/ link to their massive Amazon collection (for those who like to shop at Amazon).  You can call them at the store at 201-663-1751 about Special Events, sales, visiting the store/store hours, to sell your books, etc.  The Store * The Owner - Lawrence Arteaga (who is brave for attempting to run a real life/physical bookstore, though many are closing around the country due to the popularity of internet book selling)  * The Neighborhood - Beautiful!  Saw some amazing visuals that I need to work into my next movie :)  Great sights of NYC from West New York, NJ.  This photo was taken a few feet away from the bookstore. *  Seen inside the store :) * Lots of books! * My find of the day!  The store was selling some

Beti and Amare trailer

In the works - Mother's Day (2016)

I heard about a new film called Mother's Day recently.  Film is being completed and should be released in 2016.  Here's the IMDb page for the film . And here are several articles about the film: new/Christina-Ricci-Joins- Susan-Sarandon-Mother-Day- 31257.html http://www.hollywoodreporter. com/news/susan-sarandon-eva- amurri-martino-321685 sharon-stone-joins-mothers- day-296104/ sarandon-eva-amurri-mothers- day/ mothers-day-casts-paul-wesley- keiynan-lonsdale-john-ortiz- to-star-in-disney-the-finest- hours-841424/  From the Cinema Blend article on the film (from 2012): "Mother's Day  is described as a drama, and seems to bear no relation to other recent "Day" movies ( Valentine's Day, New Years Day ), with Duddridge's past credits appearing to be focused mainly on television. But it looks like the movie is alre

About Warhol's Screen Tests

Interesting - "Warhol’s filmmaking was motivated in large part by his fascination with individuals, but he was also driven by his desire to capture the actual experience of living. As he wrote in his book, POPism: The Warhol ‘60s: “What I liked was chunks of time all together, every real moment…I only wanted to find great people and let them be themselves…and I’d film them for a certain length of time and that would be the movie.”"  Read the rest here . - S

America is not yet an equal society

Race was an idea developed and used in America to support slavery.  Post-slavery race and other ideas, and practices and institutions that supported slavery, were not fully dismantled.  Instead those things changed names and went underground a couple of levels, and continued to operate in American society.  This is why that now, in 2015, we have two levels of wealth, freedom, and justice in America (as made clear by the many cases of unjust violence against African-Americans by the police, the wealth disparity between Whites and Blacks, the massive Black prison population due to harsher sentencing for Blacks).  There exists in America now one level of opportunities, wealth, freedom for Whites and a lesser one for Blacks. Obviously this is not a good idea - given the fact that it is a source of harm and pain for millions of people in America and a source of unrest which interferes with the quality of life and peace for all.  Also, the continued existence of the idea of races, the belief

Godard interview from 1972

The Meaning of Life - According to Woody Allen

Irrational Man at Cannes

Click on image below for the video.

Summer 2015 film project

Wie Sie Ihre Gruppe Identität ändern

( Translated using Google Translate.  Translation may not be fully accurate.   Check English version re: any questions about the translation. ) Wie Sie Ihre Gruppe Identität ändern Durch Sujewa Ekanayake Einführung Die meisten Gruppenidentitäten hergestellt werden. Identitäten wie rassische Identitäten - Weiß, Schwarz und andere solche Identitäten hergestellt oder vom Menschen verursachten Identitäten. Oder Geographie basiert Identitäten - in Afrika, Asien, Europa - Religion oder Philosophie, die Identitäten - Muslim, Hindu, Christ, Platoniker, existentialistischen und andere solche Identitäten sind alle hergestellt Identitäten im Gegensatz zu natürlichen Identitäten. Eine natürliche Identität würde die Tatsache, dass Sie eine einzelne Menschen oder die Tatsache, dass Sie ein Mann oder eine Frau sind, sein. Natürliche Identitäten gilt, ob Etiketten für den Zweck der Organisation und Controlling Menschen geschaffen von der Gesellschaft vorhanden sind oder nicht. Beispielsweise wü


( Translated using Google Translate.  Translation may not be fully accurate.   Check English version re: any questions about the translation. ) 如何改变你的群体认同 通过Sujewa埃卡纳亚克 介绍 大多数群体特征的制造。身份如种族身份 - 黑色,白色,和其他身份等制造或人为的身份。或基于地理标识 - 非洲,亚洲,欧洲 - 或宗教或哲学基础的身份 - 伊斯兰教,印度教,基督教,柏拉图主义,存在主义,和其他类似的身份都被制造的身份,而不是天然的身份。一个自然的身份将是你是一个人类个体,或者你是一个男人或一个女人的事实,这个事实。自然的身份是真实的被社会组织和控制人的目的创建的标签中是否存在与否。例如,你仍然是物理人类个体即使没有其他人被各地来识别你作为一个人类个体。然而,这是不正确的生产的社会身份和政治身份。例如,你不会是黑色或白色被称为种族的500左右岁的肤色为基础的社会控制体系之外 - 战争和征服的想法来自欧洲殖民的最世界的时代。因此,在不使用基于种族控制系统的国家或时间段,没有黑人或白人,所有的实际目的。 1 - 如何改变你的群体认同 1.1 - 如果你不认为你现在正在经营的历史或社会分​​配的群体身份认同,告诉自己,你不再希望找出与该群体的认同。还告诉任何人谁是关心你的群体认同当话题谈到或张贴有关的事实,你改变你的组标识,或在您的网站是选择一个新的群体身份,在Facebook,或任何你觉得你一言需要沟通这个变化的世界。 因此,举例来说,如果有人说你是黑色或白色或亚洲或拉丁美洲人或任何其他的,你不希望属于任何这些组的,只是告诉人们,你不与任何这些组标签或团体确定。 如果您需要更换的群体认同,只是去与任何一个或多个以下积极身份:1)人 - 组(或人类个体作为一个群体身份的成员 - 这通常不是一个群体的认同,但也有几十亿人类个体,所以可以说,这是一类人在地球上 - 或地球上的人们的终极一班 - 反正,看着自己的两个方面是非常密切的关系),2)有一定的民族的成员(插入你住在什么国家)或几个国家(出生于一个国家,在另一种类型的情况下提出的名称。或者财产和业务在多个国家等,或者即使你只是觉得如果你属于

Как изменить групповую идентичность

( Translated using Google Translate.  Translation may not be fully accurate.   Check English version re: any questions about the translation. ) Как изменить групповую идентичность По Sujewa Эканаяке Введение Большинство групповые тождества изготавливаются. Тождества, такие как расовым - белый, черный, и других подобных идентичностей изготавливаются или человек сделал личность. Или география основе тождества - африканские, азиатские, европейские - или религия или философия тождества, основанные - мусульманские, индуистские, христианские, Платона, экзистенциалист, и другие подобные тождества все изготовленные личности, в отличие от натуральных идентичностей. Естественно идентичность будет тот факт, что вы отдельный человек или тот факт, что вы мужчина или женщина. Природные тождества верны ли существует или не этикетки, созданные обществом для целей организации и управления людьми. Например, вы все равно физически быть человеческий индивид, даже если никакие другие люди не были во

Cómo cambiar su identidad de grupo

( Translated using Google Translate.  Translation may not be fully accurate.   Check English version re: any questions about the translation. ) Cómo cambiar su identidad de grupo Por Sujewa Ekanayake Introducción La mayoría de las identidades de grupo son fabricados. Identidades como identidades raciales - Blanco, Negro, y otras identidades se fabrican o identidades humana hechos. Or basado geografía identidades - africanos, asiáticos, europeos - o religión o filosofía identidades basadas - musulmanes, hindúes, cristianos, platónico, existencialistas, y otras identidades están identidades fabricadas en contraposición a identidades naturales. Una identidad natural sería el hecho de que usted es un ser humano individual o el hecho de que usted es un hombre o una mujer. Identidades naturales son verdad si existen o no las etiquetas creadas por la sociedad con el fin de organizar y controlar a la gente. Por ejemplo, a pesar de ello estar físicamente un individuo humano, incluso si n

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

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Indie Film Blogger Road Trip