Since quitting daily or other regular blogging at this blog I've been busy on Facebook (groups primarily), & with some Twitter, & several other blogs that I mostly just started & then left alone. I think, for me, blog entries are rough drafts for other creative projects, and blogs themselves are a reminder to myself of interesting subjects (material for future films or other creative projects). Anyway, I am back to blogging on a regular basis at The Sujewa Blog . This new blog will pull ideas from all of my other blogs (60+) & sites & will generally lead with posts re: my film projects. Also expect posts re: film & indie film, NYC, politics, art, the world, time travel, etc. Check it out . - S :: :: :: :: :: ADVERTISING New blogs for projects by NYC artist Katheryn McGaffigan: Blog 1 http://katherynmcgaffigan. Blog 2 http://katherynmcgaffigan2. Blog 3 http://katherynmcgaffiga...
Intro to an epic new indie film project - 53 scripted fiction features in
53 months - finally!
Other indie film stuff:
An ad/arthouse film discussion:
1 month ago