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Showing posts from January, 2014

Great interview with Haile Gerima at Shadow & Act

From mid-2013.  Still great.  From the interview : "S&A: If not a movement, are there any specific filmmakers that you find are doing interesting work? HG: Well you know, they start and they disappear, and the reason is because they don't enter into joint relationships. Most, especially the young filmmakers, do not see strength in communal or collective existence. They just think they're going to conquer the world as individuals. There is no world like that. In cinema it's always, even in Hollywood, a collective surge.  A group of filmmakers enter and take over power. And so individual efforts do exist, which I've seen left and right, but they do not understand the collective, the communal, the importance of working together. And when you don't work together you can't emerge as a force. It becomes what some call a “lonely struggle” and individual self-destruction." Read the rest of the interview at Shadow & Act . - Sujewa ::

Coming Spring 2014 - Breakthrough Weekend

All of the following methods of raising money for your indie art film biz are fine: self-financing, using money/pay from other work, crowdfunding, investors, grants, donations, making movies for $0, using profit from your film biz to make more movies, selling merchandise related to films...

Those plus whatever other methods you can think of will work for meeting the expenses of your indie art films.  Or your indie genre film or just indie film or film/movie - if one wants to be very simple about identifying the product or work being made. Or one can try to work for a studio, work with other producers, work for a TV network, etc to get the movie or TV show made & out.  You might not fully own your work through this route however. The important thing is, with digital video & the web where it is, it is now possible to make & distribute movies for $0 if you had to (grab your iPhone, grab 2 volunteer actors, shoot a short, upload to Vimeo or YouTube, promote it through social media, etc).  Also, if you want to take the time to do so, you can spend a few years and raise a couple of million $s to make & release a movie w/ known actors, etc. Making a good movie is always a challenge.  Making money from movies is always a challenge.  B...

Trailer for the most recent Chantal Ackerman film 'Almayer's Folly'

:: Check out a New York Times review of the movie here . More on Chantal Ackerman on Wikipedia . - Sujewa :: ADVERTISEMENT Brooklyn Fitness, Brooklyn Personal Trainer - Sharissa Reichert - A Brooklyn Fitness Blog - ::

Check out Sue Gardner's excellent blog

Sue Gardner, Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation, writes at length about a lot of interesting topics at her blog. From her post about what's wrong with non-profits - " Preface! I’ve always been irritated by people who assume nonprofitland is self-evidently suckier than forprofitland. I’m particularly irritated by people who say that nonprofits “should be more businesslike,” with businesslike as a kind of confused stand-in for “better.” That just seems dumb to me — I feel like it’s obvious that nonprofits function in a specific context including challenges unique to the sector, and that solutions aimed at increasing our effectiveness needed to be designed to respond specifically to those actual, real circumstances. That’s what this post is about: my goal is to describe a serious problem, and point to where I believe we’re beginning to see solutions emerge." Read the full article here -

Christmas Eve controversial, fun discussion - 1 of the best American indie filmmakers - Amir Motlagh

Inside the Arthouse ep 2

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

Reading Material

Indie Film Blogger Road Trip