There are people - types, let's say - that may, in the future, be considered unique folklore figures from the turn of the 21st century; such as people who make a healthy living selling items on the web. These people exist, for most of us, in entrepreneur profile pieces on magazines, newspapers, & the web itself. But I met one of these people recently - a real live one, in the flesh. Dude is relatively young, lives in a Montgomery County, MD suburb, got a small family, and the basement of his large house is full of used and rare books. His work day consists of listing books for sale on Amazon, and then fulfilling orders (sometimes around 40 orders a day he said), & also going out & buying new merchandise/books for selling. Dude is an expert in his specialty (also has broad knowledge of many subjects; history, art, etc.) - specializes in one type of books, and knows his sector of the market well. Dude needed help; had tons of books to enter into Amazon, and I cou...