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Interview with Northwest Film Forum co-founder Jamie Hook

Filmmakers Jamie Hook and Deborah Girdwood started the Seattle film production organization WigglyWorld Studios in 1995. Over the next few years WigglyWorld expanded, acquired film screening capabilities, and eventually became the Northwest Film Forum (NWFF). At present NWFF is a Seattle cultural landmark that screens art, independent, and foreign films and assists filmmakers in creating their work. For a lengthy history of NWFF, go here . Hook is engaged in film production projects in New York City at the moment. Earlier this week I interviewed Hook through e-mail regarding NWFF, regional filmmaking, his controversial year in Minnesota, and his future plans. Sujewa: Jamie, you are credited with co-founding the mighty & awesome art/indie/foreign movie theater Northwest Film Forum (NWFF) in Seattle, can you please elaborate on that & tell us about what things were like - film screening wise - in Seattle prior to the coming of the NWFF & also can you tell us about the actual

My Date With Drew

Saw "My Date With Drew", pretty good flick. The actress who played Drew Barrymore towards the end of the movie did an awesome job I thought :) LA should be a fun place to hang out. Looking forward to visiting that famous movie city & playing Date Number One there at some point this year & hanging out w/JB & the H.I.T. crew & other friends. LA looked fun & kind of normal in MDWD. A lot of the LA peeps may not care about the kind of no-budget, DIY, no star movies that I care about, but they do care about movies in general, so it won't all be massive alienation all the time, we'll have some stuff in common. - Sujewa

Gonna play 9 major US cities this year (w/ out spending a lot of money), & 11 next year

Here's the plan so far: Date Number One theatrical screenings Ultra-low budget D.I.Y. US tour, part 1 July - November 15 (or so), 2006 Cities (exact order to be determined): Washington, DC (again) Baltimore, MD New York City, NY Chicago, IL Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Seattle, WA (again) Austin, TX Dallas, TX Number of screenings per city, exact dates & times, venues, related special events, are all being figured out this month. In addition to those cities, we are playing Kensington, MD on June 24th (see SCREENINGS at for more info). In '07 I will be playing 11 additional cities, part 2 of the Date Number One US tour. More info. on '07 screenings will be available in the coming months. The film will also be submitted to several festivals around the country. So it is entirely possible that you may be able to see the movie in a theatrical setting this year even if your city is not on the above list. And if none of that works for you, the flick will b

Making new indie film biz friends through Caveh's blog: how I met Northwest Film Forum founder Jamie Hook

The thing about leaving comments at blogs is that it is a non-real time conversation that may or may not happen fully, and when it does happen, due to only getting typed words, may lead to misunderstandings. So, the opportunities for miscommunication are great during blog comment conversations. This is however a true life story about a blog comment driven conversation that was unexpected & that went really well/had a very positive outcome. Here's how it unfolded: 1. Around 11 AM today, I am up, groggy, having my morning tea, checking out Caveh 's (Caveh "I Am A Sex Addict" Zahedi's) blog, some person posting in the comments section is down on regional filmmaking, so I post a pro-regional filmmaking comment as a reaction. 2. 1 PM or so, I get to work, check my e-mail, the author of the "down on regional filmmaking" comment has e-mailed me. Turns out that person - Jamie Hook - is one of the two founders of the awesome Seattle indie/art/foreign film ven

Date Number One update - current work, release plan

I am working on fine tunining the audio & image, adding some music to Date Number One at the moment. Poster & other promo art, perhaps some merchandise design & creation will also be dealt with this month. If a significant amount of music gets used in the film, I'll create a soundtrack album. If not, perhaps the music used can be offered to people through the website, we shall see. Here's the theatrical & DVD release plan, as it stands at the moment: 2006: - Very Limited, DIY, theatrical* screenings - hopefully at least 60 of them (they'll be listed at the SCREENINGS page at the film's site ) - perhaps some Film fest screenings (gonna start submittin' to some fests this month) - Limited availability of the DVD (limited only in the sense that I am not going to spend gobs of money to advertise it all over the place just yet, and a few retail & web outlets will carry the DVD this year). DVD should be available for purchase for $12 each through

The Break Up is not that bad

It's OK, decent(for a Hollywood comedy-drama). All the critics I've read have been saying bad things about it. Both The Break Up & The Puffy Chair (two new flicks that I saw this weekend) deal w/the ending of a romantic relationship, and ultimately I think The Puffy Chair does a better job at the task. The cinematography in The Break Up is definitely better, but overall, for my $9, Puffy is the better film of the two. - Sujewa

The Maryland New Wave goes to see The Puffy Chair

Went to see The Puffy Chair on Fri 6/2 night w/Michael Tully & Todd Rohal & a few others. Puffy is a funny & interesting movie, good acting (specially by the lead), the camera work was not so hot, but all in all - RECOMMENDED. Except for a fainting Amanda episode who gave us all a scare (she's fine), it was an excellent night. Was nice to meet Mike & Todd in person finally. Hope to see their flicks ( Cocaine Angel , The Guatamalan Handshake ) soon. Viva MD New Wave! - Sujewa

"Date Number One" review # 2! (very positive)

Check it out here at the Hollywood Is Talking blog . Very glad that Jerry Brewington liked the movie. Here's a segment from the review: " Story 2 , ‘A Romantic Dinner for Three’, was my favorite because I have to admit, I found the characters and the premise sexy, sexy, sexy. Shervin Boloorian plays Kamal and Jennifer Blakemore as Sunshine are a hip, progressive couple in the most diverse region of the Americas , Washington DC . Sunshine wants to learn about Buddhism and meditation from her friend Rupa ,played so well by Dele Williams, but she has an ulterior motive as well and, ummm, it involves the number 3." Looks like Date Number One 's got some fans in LA area now. Will write more about this review soon. In the meantime, check it out! - Sujewa

Gots to try to get AFI Silver & or Avalon to do an open ended booking of Date Number One

If you are a filmmaker/distributor in Washington, DC area & if you want to have your film play in DC & or Silver Spring, MD for a long period of time (& if you are not too fond of the Landmark theater corporation) then you have two options: The Avalon theater in DC & AFI Silver theater in Silver Spring, MD. Just as certain people are more appreciated abroad, local filmmakers are more in demand & better appreciated elsewhere than in the DC area (this is probably a universal phenomenon, I heard the same thing from some filmmakers in Seattle). So, getting The Avalon & or AFI Silver to book Date Number One for an open ended run is going to be a difficult task. Nevertheless, this coming week I am going to start my campaign for a booking in those theaters (actually, the campaign has already started). If you want to help & specially if you are in touch w/ the programmers at those theaters, please encourage them to check out Date Number One for an open ended booking

Date Number One screening # 8 coming up on June 24 Sat 7 PM in Kensington, MD

We did Date Number One screenings # 1 & 2 in DC on 5/13 Sat, & then we did screenings # 3 - # 7 in Seattle 5/19 Fri - 21 Sun. Now screening #8 has been set up for Sat June 24 7 PM at the Kensington Row Bookshop, a Capital City Microcinema event. I expect to have retail DVDs ready for sale by that date. Lots of web pages to update, lots of e-mail to return, some packaging design stuff to do, some quote pulling to do, some phone calls to make, and lots of screeners need to be sent out to various venues & festivals. Rocking & rolling w/ Date Number One self-distro adventures over here. It is a most awesome (sometimes tiring, but awesome) experience. Making it happen is fun & satisfying. Review number 2 should be coming up this weekend or so from Jerry in LA, of Hollywood Is Talking blog fame. So far reviews/audience feedback have been generally excellent. Very happy about that. Will post the link to Jerry's review here as soon as I see it up on the web. - Sujewa

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

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Indie Film Blogger Road Trip