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Fishing With John essay at Criterion

I still need to see Fishing With John . Maybe Potomac Video has it, they've had pretty much everything else I've looked for lately. Looking forward to seeing the Tom Waits episode and the Jim Jarmusch episode. Check out an essay about the show here , at Criterion's website. - Sujewa

July 1971 Playboy interview with John Cassavetes

It's a 13 page document , lots of good stuff to read. Here is a sample: "After that, we took Faces to Montreal and Toronto, where it did well, and then screened it for the Venice Film Festival committee. We got admitted to the festival - and walked out with five awards. We then sold the film to the Walter Reade Organization, which released it here and in Canada. And, surprise of surprises: I had an artistic and financial hit on my hands - this time in my own country. Proving to me that it was worth all the nonsense I went through. Proving to me that moviemakers don't have to spend their time doing garbage they hate. And when Husbands performed the same way Faces did, it gave me the opportunity to line up just about whatever projects I may want to do without having to sweat the money. Unbelievable as this may sound and for whatever it's worth, I'm doing just what I want to with my life and on my own terms, without any hassling whatsoever. And never have I

Somebodies sounds interesting

Heard a tiny bit about this film, am in the process of learning more about it. Roger Ebert had some very nice things to say about Somebodies, check it out here , from early '06, from Sundance. UPDATE: This looks like the official website for Somebodies. And here's the blog , written by Somebodies director Hadjii (yeah, he only uses one name). About Hadjii, from Somebodies website : "Writer/director/actor/humorist Hadjii was born and raised in Brunswick, Georgia. He graduated from the University of Georgia’s Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication with a BA degree in Telecommunications Arts. In 2004, he was a finalist in the Image Film Festival Perfect Pitch Competition with his pitch for his original screenplay “My Father’s Business.” His 2002 short film “The Making of Brick City” won 2nd place at the 2002 Peach City Short Film Festival and was featured in the 2003 Hollywood Black Film Festival. He was also a semi-finalist in the 2002 Hollywood Black Film Fes

what's the latest Man Push Cart?

i just know that some indie band is gonna steal that name. that aside, looking forward to seeing the award winning indie flick Man Push Cart . according to this website , the flick is out on DVD in a couple of european countries and DVD availability in the US is coming up. check out the news here . - sujewa

Entourage plus more realism/sadness/darkness = Unscripted, another awesome HBO show

HBO continues to put the rest of the filmed entertainment making industry to shame with their awesome shows (Rome, Entourage, Curb Your Enthusiasm, etc.). How does HBO keep coming up with hit after hit (actually, i am not sure if the HBO shows i dig are really "hits", but HBO does keep cranking out some very excellent work, as far as my eyes & brain are concerned)? Anyway, if you are an Entourage fan and you want to see more along those lines but perhaps with characters with less access to Hollywood success & more struggle, then check out HBO's show Unscripted . It is out on DVD (probably has been for some time, i just saw 10 or 12 episodes for the first time yesterday). Unscripted follows a young actor & his friends, all actors (unlike in Entourage), as they tackle Hollywood. The tone is less light, more dramatic. There is a lot of fun & funny moments in the show also. But generally, Unscripted is darker than Entourage. But very good, check it out

Heartfelt Good-byes to James Lyons at indieWIRE & Filmmaker

About James Lyons (1960 - 2007), from Filmmaker Magazine's blog : "If you didn’t know Jim personally and just recognize his name from movie credits, then you most probably remember him as an editor. His credits include four films by Todd Haynes – Poison, Safe, Velvet Goldmine and Far from Heaven – as well as Spring Forward, The Virgin Suicides, Silver Lake Life, and, most recently, A Walk into the Sea: The Danny Williams Story. The latter, a documentary by Esther Robinson about her uncle’s relationship with Andy Warhol and The Factory, won the Teddy at Berlin this year and receives its U.S. premiere at Tribeca this month. He was also an AIDS activist and educator." Here is the link to indieWIRE's tribute page to Lyons . Here is a paragraph from Spring Forward's director Tom Gilroy's entry regarding Lyons, from the indieWIRE tribute page: "Although Jim was a dear friend and peer, he was, in many ways, the closest thing I ever had to a mentor. To me, he was

Notes from a Jon Jost screening

Long before I became a DIY filmmaker, around 1990-91, I checked out a book by Rick Schmidt called Feature Filmmaking At Used Car Prices from the Gaithersburg, MD library. In it was a mention of one Jon Jost - super independent & self-reliant filmmaker. And of course by the time I first read about Jost he had been making real indie/DIY movies for probably longer than I had been alive. So, after all this time, it is great to hear that Jost is still going strong; selling lots of DVDs at well attended screenings full of passionate audience members and tackling complicated and important topics with his movies (most recently Homecoming, and La Lunga Ombra - read about both at this LA Weekly article ). Read about the experience of attending a recent Jost screening at Jerry Lentz's blog. Here is a sample from the post: "Jon Jost was everything I expected and more. He looks like a Social Studies teacher I had, but acts like the Wood Shop teacher we all loved because he wasn't

Third World Cruelty: A Human Rights Watch doc on India's Caste System

A number of people larger than half of the total US population, about 160 million people, are forced to live in sub-human/less than second class citizenship (both legally and in all other areas of life) conditions in India right now. Get all the sad and enraging news at this Human Rights Watch document: India's Dalits: between atrocity and protest . The same article can be found at the website Open Democracy , with comments and related links. - Sujewa

We grieve with you Virginia Tech

As everyone in the country and probably the world must know by now, a horrible tragedy happened earlier today at Virginia Tech ; just a couple of hours from where I write this, at a college with many connections to families & individuals throughout the DC area. 33 people are dead, a senseless loss, and thousands of others are deeply affected by the shootings today. It is difficult to come up with words that seem sufficient, words that are able to properly deal with the magnitude of the loss experienced today by the Virginia Tech community. I am sure that millions of us throughout the country and the world grieve with you tonight Virginia Tech. We wish you the best in dealing with today's tragic events, and many of us will no doubt gladly do what we can to try to make things even a little better for you. :: LINKS Here is the link to a blog by filmmaker and Virginia Tech professor Paul Harrill. Virginia Tech's website Google search with links to many stories re: Virginia Tec

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

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