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Interview with director & script writer of Rwandan movie Munyurangabo

At the Evening Class blog . Here is a segment: " Michael Guillén: I'm sure I'm not the first one to express that it's somewhat startling to have the best African feature at the Toronto International be the work of a Korean-American and a White guy. [Laughter.] How did that come about? Lee Isaac Chung: Thank you for saying that. It came about originally because my wife had been doing volunteer work in Rwanda for the last three summers. She does art therapy and she wanted me to come with her. We had just been married and it was the first summer after we'd been married. She wanted us to go together and she asked me to volunteer as well to do something. I figured cinema and filmmaking is all that I know that I could teach so I figured we were going to teach it. But as I was looking at the sort of films that were coming out of Rwanda, it seemed a little sad that there was nothing that focused on contemporary Rwanda. Everything just seemed to recreate what went on with

BBC: "Ethnic minorities face film woes"

BBC writes about a report re: London's film industry & its lack of ethnic diversity. Read the article here . Here is a segment: "The report from the TUC found the sector tended to recruit a workforce largely drawn from white people and those with high-income backgrounds." More here . Thanks Cinematical for the link. - Sujewa

DC art house Dupont 5 is closing on January 13

Read the Washington Post article about the closing of another art house in DC, after a 20 year long run. The last movie I saw there was Mutual Appreciation a few months ago (or maybe late '06?), with director Andrew Bujalski present for a Q & A afterwards. Here is a little bit from the article, summing up other DC art house closings: " In June 1996, the Biograph in Georgetown closed after a nearly 30-year run as an independently owned, single-screen art house that was "the closest thing to a true underground cinema the D.C. area has ever seen," according to an article in The Post. The next year, Palisades residents protested the closing of a theater by the predecessor to AMC Loews, Cineplex Odeon. It became a CVS Pharmacy . In June 2002, the Janus 3 in Dupont Circle, which once had its own film club and midnight showings of experimental films, closed. In May 2000, the Embassy was resurrected as Visions Bar Noir, a two-screen venue at the crossroads of the D

Conversation with Eric "Camera Stilo blog" Strattman

Eric Strattman's blog Camera Stilo has been one of my regular stops on the web for sometime now. Eric writes about DIY film, the similarities between DIY rock/punk/indie rock scenes of the 80's & 90's and the current DIY film scenes, and about his own development as a filmmaker & a blogger. Here is a lengthier introduction to Eric & Camera Stilo blog in the form of an interview: Sujewa : Hey Eric, what's the meaning of the name of your blog? What is "camera stilo"? Why did you name your blog that? Eric : It means "camera as pen." I found the phrase used in an article about documentary filmmaker Ross McElwee. I liked the sound of the phrase and what it implies. I was thinking about starting a blog and wanted a film-related name for the blog. When I ran across the phrase I thought "perfect!" I checked to see if the URL was available and it was. So, that sealed it. Sujewa : Have you made any movies thus far? Is there any in the wor

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

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