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El Vez for Prez

If Obama & Clinton do not work out, perhaps El Vez, The Mexican Elvis might. This video is from '04 & '01, but I bet he might still be interested. - Sujewa

Real camera behind Cloverfield

This article at Gizmodo says much of Cloverfield was not shot on a cheap, tiny consumer camera as they show in the movie, but the very expensive & top of the line pro camera Sony CineAlta F23 . - Sujewa

Dogme 95 + monster from hell + 1/8 of an indie DV rom com situation + a tragic story + AWESOME MOVIEMAKING = Cloverfield

Saw it tonight. Loved it (as much as you can love a movie that reminds you of Godzilla). Camera work & editing awesome. If you were personally & deeply affected by the 9/11 attacks, you might not enjoy this movie. If a friend or someone you love died in those attacks, you probably will not enjoy this movie. Cloverfield is a monster movie, but it is also about something like a surprise attack from terrorists hell-bent on carnage & destruction. If Cloverfield is on one level a 9/11 story, is it in favor of the War on Terror? I think so. Yeah, it's a pro-war movie, specifically the War on Terror. See it in the theater, with a big audience if possible, for the full monster movie effect. And don't believe anything that you hear about the ending until you see it for yourself. If you are sensitive to motion sickness, you probably need to skip this movie. It's shakier than Blair Witch. Clips from the movie could also work as a good ad for the army or the national

Perhaps an intro to indiewood; Epstein's '05 article "The Indie Game"

Not sure how true or how current the info. is, but this 2005 article about the indie film business by Edward Jay Epstein is an interesting, & perhaps useful, read for filmmakers who might want to make an indiewood movie - an independent movie that, among other things, features some recognizable Hollywood actors. From the article: "The genius of the indie film business lies in its use of Hollywood stars. The same actors and actresses who quote Hollywood studios $20 million per movie will work on indie films for a small fraction of that fee. Often they accept “scale,” as the Screen Actors Guild’s minimum wage of $788 a day is called, or “near scale” of about $10,000 a week plus overtime." Read the rest here . - Sujewa

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

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