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Obama on dealing with hard core jihadists vs. dealing with millions of moderate Muslims

Found this Washington Post web article while doing some research on Barack Obama's views on Israel and on the Muslim world. I am quoting only two paragraphs, but the whole article is worth reading for full context and additional information on the topic: Under section heading " On opening up dialogue with Muslim world :" Barack Obama : "...I am not naïve. There is a hard core of jihadist fundamentalists who we can't negotiate with. We have to hunt them down and knock them out. Incapacitate them. That's the military aspects of dealing with this phenomenon. Now, somebody like a Richard Clarke would estimate that the hard-core jihadists would gladly blow up this room -- maybe it's 30,000 people, maybe it's 40,000 people, maybe it's 50,000 people. But it is a finite number. And that is where military action and intelligence has to be directed. So all the things I've talked about in the past -- improving our intelligence capacity, improving our

Another US first in this epic campaign: Obama's number of donors just went over the 1 million mark

As far as I know this is the first time in US presidential politics that over 1 million people have donated money to a campaign. To become a part of this awesome story, click here or on the pic above & donate some $s to the Obama campaign. Your country might thank you for it down the road, most likely. - Sujewa

Family Inc. trailer

FAMILY INC-WIDESCREEN TRAILER Add to My Profile More Videos * for more on this doc, go here . thanks for the link. - sujewa

New Obama endorsements from 2 DC Superdelegates

From Obama '08 site: "Washington, DC – Two more superdelegates have endorsed Barack Obama today. Shadow United States Senators Paul Strauss and Michael D. Brown endorsed Obama, citing his longstanding commitment to the rights of DC residents and his ability to unite Americans to bring change. Senator Paul Strauss said, “I am excited to endorse Barack Obama today. Barack Obama has been a leader for promoting unity and equality for all Americans, and has shown a steadfast commitment to the DC voting rights and full representation in Congress. “We feel strongly that we should use our vote to uphold the will of the people who by decisive margins chose Barack Obama in contests across the country and by our region’s voters in the Potomac Primaries. Barack Obama inspired voters from every part of Washington, DC to turn out on Primary Day and give him victories in every single voting precinct. His diverse experience, from his days as an urban community organizer, to his service in

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

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