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La Americana trailer

Saw this movie at MDFF last weekend, liked it a lot, sad story though - but very much worth checking out & thinking about & possibly doing something about. Trailer:

Yeast director Mary Bronstein interview at Linear Reflections

From Linear Reflections : "LR: How did this project come to fruition? If you could, please provide me with a rundown, start to finish, from your involvement. [Bronstein] I decided to make this film after I realized that I didn’t want to wait around for other people to make projects. I wanted to make a film about female friendships that dealt with the issues of resentment, hostility and emotional manipulation that often are present in too-close enmeshed friendships of either sex. I wanted to make a film about women that I’ve never seen before, about people who have no business being friends with each other but don’t know how to stop. And I wanted to see if I could pull it off. I wrote out an outline and tried to get my husband Ronnie to make it as his next project. When that didn't work, I decided that I liked the ideas too much to give up and tried to make it anyway." Read the rest here . Go here for more on Yeast . - Sujewa

"Spooner will make you think..." - Cinematical; from their review of White Lies, Black Sheep

From the Cinematical review of James Spooner's new movie White Lies, Black Sheep : "Director James Spooner, who was himself a black kid hanging in a white scene in his youth, brings his unique perspective to bear in telling this story of AJ's journey toward himself. Think that race doesn't matter to you, that you know all there is to know about white folks and black folks and the subtleties of racism in the undercurrent of society? Catch White Lies and Black Sheep, and supplement it with a viewing of Spooner's Afropunk for a well-rounded perspective on this director's unique and engaging viewpoint. Spooner will make you think,..." Read the rest of the review here . - Sujewa

Why "Angry Filmmaker" Kelley Baker tours

From the Why I Tour post at Kelley's blog: "I have been touring the US with my movies for 5 years. In the early years, I would fly in to a city, rent a car and do a giant loop around that state for 2 - 3 weeks, showing my films at media art centers, art house cinemas, and colleges and universities. I would end up back near the airport I had flown in to, return the car and fly home. On all of these trips I broke even. I wasn't making any money, but I wasn't losing any either. After doing this for 3 years, I realized that if I wanted to make money I was going to have to make some changes. It’s a very strange time in our business. In my opinion there is no such thing as “Independent Film” anymore. It has all been co-opted and turned in to a marketing phrase. Hollywood stars working on $10 million dollar movies is not independent — I don't care what their ad campaigns say! The promise of the 80's and real independent filmmaking is over." Read the rest of the

Pretty much the final design for the 5/22 show flier & poster

* * Had some fun putting this together today. Some tweaking is gonna happen before it gets hung up all over Silver Spring (let's hope), but more or less this is it. The final, larger & higher resolution version, of this design (with more visible borders) will be up on the web in a couple of days. - Sujewa

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

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Indie Film Blogger Road Trip