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Azazel Jacobs interview

Still have not seen The GoodTimesKid , sounds like something I'd enjoy. Not in a hurry to see Moma's Man (i tend to put off watching family related films, still have not watched 51 Birch Street ; i do however catch the 51 Birch DVD watching me sometimes, from on top of a pile of DVDs in my room), but I hear it is good. Check out this new Village Voice interview article about Jacobs . - Sujewa

Jia Zhangke interview in Village Voice

This interview is from January of this year, but I just got around to reading it. Zhangke's (or is it Jia's? - which one is the last name?) movies sound very interesting. Check out the interview article by Anthony Kaufman at Village Voice . Sujewa

Brian Newman on the indie sky falling

This post by Brian Newman , blogger & CEO of the Tribeca Film Institute (and, according to the intro. to Brian at the blog, "The views on this blog are not those of TFI."), is a few weeks old, but I do not think I've highlighted it here before, and Brian's view is the minority view re: Mark Gill's "sky is falling" speech (at least from what I've read & heard) in the real indie world & also one I agree with, so here it is: "Mark Gill’s analysis, even the parts I would debate, is fairly accurate, but pretty much meaningless to 99% of the indies I (and you) know. For most of us – those making truly indie films, and those watching them – not one of Gill’s thirteen disaster points mean anything to us." Read the rest at SpringBoardMedia . - Sujewa

If people with down syndrome ruled the world

Interesting article at National Association for Down Syndrome (thanks Amanda for the FWD), from the article: "If people with Down syndrome ruled the world: Affection, hugging and caring for others would make a big comeback . Despite the fact that my family was not terribly affectionate, I have had a crash course in hugging at the Center. I am confident that if people with Down syndrome ran the world, everyone would become very accustomed to the joys of hugging. Fortunately for me, I had a head start. My wife is a native of Argentina, and I got some intense exposure to hugging when I landed in her country and found there were 6000 members of her family waiting to be hugged as we got off the plane. All people would be encouraged to develop and use their gifts for helping others . In our world, too often people with Down syndrome are “DONE FOR” by others, when in fact they are great givers. If they ran the world, their ability to minister to others would not be wasted. People would b

Watch out filmmakers & journalists; federales may take your laptop at the border, without reason

(Though Federales has been historically a slang term for Mexican federal police , I am using it here to mean the US Federal gov.) I think for indie filmmakers & journalists laptops are/can be a daily essential work tool; some filmmakers write their script, manage their shoots, and edit video on the same laptop. Thus, being without your laptop for even a day while on an oversees or across the border project can be a nightmare for an indie filmmaker. So, check this out; turns out the U.S. government can confiscate your laptop for an unspecified amount of time WITHOUT ANY SUSPICION OF WRONGDOING at the border. Check out the Washinton Post article : "Federal agents may take a traveler's laptop computer or other electronic device to an off-site location for an unspecified period of time without any suspicion of wrongdoing, as part of border search policies the Department of Homeland Security recently disclosed. Also, officials may share copies of the laptop's contents wit

The "no cables" GL2 XLR adapter really does work

When I first heard that this adapter that allows one to plug in XLR audio cables to the Canon GL2 (pictured at the top of the blog, my favorite MiniDV camera at the moment) did not have any cables connecting the adapter to the camera, I did not believe that was how the unit worked. But, after trying it out in the Indie Film Blogger Road Trip project, yeah, it works; really well, and that's how it works - no cables from the unit to the camera. The shoe (place for the thingy that slides into a slot on top of the camera's microphone) sends the audio signal down to the camera/the MiniDV tapes, apparently (i am sure you can find a more accurate description of the technology involved elsewhere :). One thing: the camera mic goes offline/does not work, as soon as you attach the adapter, so, if you want to capture two tracks of audio, you'll have to hook up two mics to the adapter (i think on the PD 150 i was able to have a boom mic attached to the XLR jack and also have the camera

Hollywood Dreams review at New York Times

It's a brief review, but I am just starting to explore Henry Jaglom 's movies, so it is a good start. From the review : "A gentler, more wistful Henry Jaglom wrote and directed "Hollywood Dreams," his 15th and perhaps most accessible film. Filled with movie memories and gender confusion, the story shows one of our most polarizing independent filmmakers in a nostalgic mood, musing over the burdens of fame and the price of success — which would be love, as if you didn't know." Read the rest of the review here . - Sujewa

Henry Jaglom's website

Check it out . He's made a bunch of movies; some of them sound interesting, I do not think I've seen any yet. Something for the 2 Do List. - Sujewa

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

Reading Material

Indie Film Blogger Road Trip