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Saw Mongol

Pretty good movie. Mongol is part 1 of 3 apparently, about the life of Genghis Khan. Some aspects of the story was difficult to follow, probably because I do not know details of Mongolian history, but, generally, very well made ancient warrior epic. Here's A.O. Scott's review in the New York Times . A clip, from a battle scene towards the end of Mongol:


Saw Happy Go Lucky last night. It was good & funny. Here's a review . And another review , this one from the Washington Post . - Sujewa :: :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino 1 :: Alfonse Maiorino Italy Genealogy Forum :: Alfonse Maiorino NYC Brides Index :: Alfonse Maiorino Blogger Profile :: Alfonse Maiorino - Italian Genealogy Pagani blog :: Alfonse Maiorino 2 :: Alfonse Maiorino 4 :: Alfonse Maiorino 5

The Gaius Baltar Appreciation Society, Presidential race & Galactica video

If you are a fan of the most entertaining (& probably most realistic - in the sense that most non-soldier humans who may find themselves in a very strange, post-apocalyptic man vs. robots space war situation may act as Baltar does) character on the new Battlestar Galactica, check out this Facebook page . Also, fans of both Galactica & Obama may appreciate this video: Here's what the video above is parodying, actually 4 different versions of it, from the 4 seasons of BSG: - Sujewa

From a Battlestar Galactica episode to the subject of gun control & genocide

So how did I end up reading about the relationship between gun control & genocide tonight? Let's see, I saw an episode ( Resistance , from Season 2) of Battlestar Galactica - one that I had missed in my initial binge of BSG watching a few weeks ago - where Admiral (or is it Commander?) Adama - basically the head guy on the ship - is shot, & is recovering from surgery & the temporary guy in command - Tigh - suspends the civilian government of the fleet & institutes martial law. Then, when the civilian fleet refuses to go along Tigh sends Marines to a civilian ship to enforce his orders, resulting in civilian deaths. This got me thinking about the strange role militaries play (often protectors, but can be misused by evil politicians or other not so great leaders), and also about the relationship between civil/non military governments and the militaries. Anyway, some research web searches later I ended up on this page - with a chart (scroll down to the middle of t

Rooftop Films at

Check out some shorts from the Rooftop Films summer festival series at IFC's site . More about the films: "The films posted are an eclectic mix of both live and animated narratives as well documentaries. All of these films are selections from the Rooftop Films summer festival series, which means that each week three more shorts will be posted on available for viewing." Check them out . - Sujewa

Mentioned in guidebook Washington, DC From A to Z

Apparently there is a guidebook called Washington, DC From A to Z out there and my '99 released feature/my first feature (shot in 1 day on 16 MM color, 70 mins. long) Wild Diner is mentioned in it. Check out the mention at this link . Pretty cool, thanks goes out to the authors, needs to get me a copy of that book. Wild Diner is not in distribution at the moment, but, perhaps in the future it will make it on to a DVD as an extra item. Some Wild Diner trivia related to a more recent & much better received indie movie: the DP of Wild Diner was Sean Williams , who also shot - years later - Ron Bronstein's Frownland . Williams also appears in a brief role in Mary Bronstein's Yeast . For Wild Diner Williams had to work under some very difficult conditions (like shooting a whole feature script in one day in a living room badly made up to look like a diner! :), and I don't think he was very happy with his work on that movie - so he was credited using a pseudonym in the fl

Very long Ann Hornaday article about indie film in today's Washington Post

In the multi-page article From Indie Chic to Indie, Sheesh Ann Hornaday takes a look at the history of indie film - from Charlie Chaplin to Jim Jarmusch to Barry Jenkins - but mostly the article is a protest against the mainstreaming of quirk through indiewood movies, check it out at the Washington Post . Was a great Sunday morning read. - Sujewa

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

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