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IFC Center adding 2 more screens!

May be old news for some, but I just heard about it through this indieWIRE article . :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino 1 :: Alfonse Maiorino Italy Genealogy Forum :: Alfonse Maiorino NYC Brides Index :: Alfonse Maiorino Blogger Profile :: Alfonse Maiorino - Italian Genealogy Pagani blog :: Alfonse Maiorino 2 :: Alfonse Maiorino 4 :: Alfonse Maiorino 5 :: Alfonse Maiorino 3

On "Whiteness"

Of course in these post-slavery, post-colonial times where belief in race theory is no longer enforced (for the most part) through the threat of violence & death, much of the world is still running blindly & on auto-pilot re: this intellectual construct/tool of conquest - still following it, still using it - so, the critique below can just as easily apply to "Blackness", "Brownness" or "Asianness" & all other fake human divisions that are used to pit one group of people against others & often against themselves for the benefit of a few on top, or a few who want to hold onto or increase their own power & wealth using race theory. Thanks Shadow & Act for the link:

Netflix & iTunes looking good for some indies

From Scott Kirsner's Variety article Indie still looking for internet equation : "But distributors, producers and indie directors today say that most of their Internet revenues comes from two places: the DVD rental service Netflix, which offers an online streaming service to its members, and Apple's iTunes." Read the rest of the article at Variety . :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino 1 :: Alfonse Maiorino Italy Genealogy Forum :: Alfonse Maiorino NYC Brides Index :: Alfonse Maiorino Blogger Profile :: Alfonse Maiorino - Italian Genealogy Pagani blog

System Justification & the Law - part 1, 2, & 3

Found these three videos while looking for clips of movies by filmmaker Jon Jost. The following videos are of a presentation by professor Jon T. Jost (not the filmmaker Jon Jost), here's an intro to the material, from the YouTube page for the videos: "Jon Jost's presentation from 2007 Project on Law and Mind Sciences (PLMS) Conference. "System justification theory addresses the holding of attitudes that are often contrary to one's own self-interest and therefore contrary to what one would expect on the basis of theories of self-enhancement or rational self-interest." " And here are the very interesting videos:

Jon Jost's intro to Italy

Filmmaker Jon Jost has a long blog post , well illustrated, about the political & cultural history of Italy and also Italian cinema. From Jost's blog : "Bombarded from left and right, Italy passed through the 70’s and 80’s in a kind of tormented state, a time riddled with mysterious deaths, oscillating politics and an economy, like much of the rest of the world, in an upward rush of frantic consumerism. Its premiers – Andreotti, 7 times premier from the 1970’s to 90’s and well-known for Mafia connections, Fanfani, Craxi – were all indicted, tried, and most eluded conviction through technicalities – in the ever-glacial and often corrupted judicial system of Italy the usual exemption would be that the statute of limitations had expired, and hence, whatever the mountains of evidence and proof, one was absolved. The current head of state, Silvio Berlusconi follows in this tradition, a multiple indictee, now wallowing in sex scandals wherein his second younger wife left hi

Re: "the victim forgives, let Polanski go" argument

Let's take a quick look at US criminal law : " Criminal law involves the prosecution of wrongful acts by the state which are considered to be so serious that they are a breach of the sovereign's peace (and cannot be deterred or remedied by mere lawsuits between private parties)." - from Wikipedia So, rape of a minor is definitely a matter for the state to concern itself with, as it has happened in the Polanski case . So, even if the victim forgives the perpetrator, the state (the government) can & should continue to seek justice on behalf of general society or attempt to apply the punishments that fit the crime. So that's what's happening now in the Polanski case - the legal conflict is now the state vs. Polanski, not victim vs. Polanski (or, it does not matter if the victim forgives Polanski or not, the nature of the crime makes it one that was committed against the entire state, not just one individual). Anyway, that's how I understand it at the

Polanski should have to face the courts again

Here's why: 1. The crime happened. All parties agreed that it happened. A child was raped, Polanski did it. 2. Polanski fled the country while awaiting sentencing. So, the legal, correct, & useful thing to do is to bring him back to face a judge, complete the sentencing phase. 3. Why? To reassure the nation that even talented, possibly wealthy, & well connected individuals cannot get away with raping a child. And if there are other factors to consider, such as the original judge in the case changing his mind about a plea arrangement, those can be discussed during Polanski's new sentencing hearing. A horrible thing happened, a crime was committed (a rape) within a country that has a legal code that punishes for such activities. To exclude Polanski from punishment would not be fair for everyone else - including other criminals who were punished for raping children, and rest of society that follows the law. - Sujewa

Coming Soon

This fall the following films of mine will be available to view on web & or buy on DVD: Unlimited Dreamtime (2009, 2 Week Film Project) Indie Film Blogger Road Trip (2009) Date Number One (2006, 2008) Capital Heartbreak & Sweetness: 17 DC Poets (2002) Will post up links when the films are ready to view & or buy. - Sujewa

Funny scene from Cannes Man

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Science Is Real

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Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

Reading Material

Indie Film Blogger Road Trip