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Cleo from 5 to 7 clip, review link, DVD & streaming link

Now if this clip had subtitles it would be better, but still, very interesting: :: Here's a review of the film from Slant . From the review: "All throughout, Varda captures the fairy-tale essence of early '60s Paris with a vivacity and richness that rivals Godard's Breathless. Unlike her New Wave compatriots, whose talents were reared in part at film schools, Varda was trained in the field of photography and consequently films the city with a completely unique vision. Her framing teems with life at every corner: kittens wrestling in Cléo's apartment, a child playing a tiny piano in an alleyway, and quarrelling lovers in a café. She demonstrates an unerring eye for complex compositions that still manage to delineate between foreground and background planes. And in the bargain, every one of the film's gorgeously designed set pieces enhance our understanding of the character and amplify Cléo's understanding of herself." Read the rest of the review at Sla

Agnes Varda: A Life Through Film article on ShortEnd Magazine

From the article : "The five decades that Agnès Varda’s filmmaking has spanned is certainly an undeniably impressive feat, but what really resonates with the above statement is the simple and unquestionable claim that she is, in every sense of the word, a filmmaker. In her films – more so than in almost any other director’s – it is indisputably clear that filmmaking is not something that Agnès Varda just does, it’s something that she is; it sculpts her just as she has sculpted it. Her life has been lived for and through the cinema, the medium and the very notion of herself now completely inextricable from the other. And it is with regards to Varda’s complex and intimate relationship with film that there is no better culmination than her latest autobiographical, quasi-documentary, The Beaches of Agnès." Read the rest at ShortEnd Magazine . :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino 1 :: Alfonse Maiorino Italy Genealogy Forum

ran into maggie gylenhaal on the street

is this worth writing about? probably not, so here it is: i was walking towards strand a couple of hours ago, thinking about wholesale & retail prices of books. i noticed a familiar face walking towards me, could not place it immediately, but knew pretty quickly that it was a famous actress. when we were close/in front of each other i said "hi". the lady said "hi". i said "aren't you that famous actress?" she laughed & said "yeah". and by this time she was opening a door to a building. so i said "OK, see ya later" or "have a great day" or something like that, and continued to head towards strand. about a block later i was able to put a name to the face, it was maggie gylenhaal , from the dark knight & secretary. i thought to myself "hmmm, encounters like that don't usually happen in kensington, md." :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino 1 http://alfonsemaiorino1.blogs

Clip from BtD: The Case of the Missing Screenplay

I'll definitely have to catch up with this episode on HBO On Demand this weekend, missed it last night, from Bored to Death, episode 3: :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino 1 :: Alfonse Maiorino Italy Genealogy Forum :: Alfonse Maiorino NYC Brides Index :: Alfonse Maiorino Blogger Profile :: Alfonse Maiorino - Italian Genealogy Pagani blog :: Alfonse Maiorino 2 :: Alfonse Maiorino 4 :: Alfonse Maiorino 5 :: A

IFC Center adding 2 more screens!

May be old news for some, but I just heard about it through this indieWIRE article . :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino 1 :: Alfonse Maiorino Italy Genealogy Forum :: Alfonse Maiorino NYC Brides Index :: Alfonse Maiorino Blogger Profile :: Alfonse Maiorino - Italian Genealogy Pagani blog :: Alfonse Maiorino 2 :: Alfonse Maiorino 4 :: Alfonse Maiorino 5 :: Alfonse Maiorino 3

On "Whiteness"

Of course in these post-slavery, post-colonial times where belief in race theory is no longer enforced (for the most part) through the threat of violence & death, much of the world is still running blindly & on auto-pilot re: this intellectual construct/tool of conquest - still following it, still using it - so, the critique below can just as easily apply to "Blackness", "Brownness" or "Asianness" & all other fake human divisions that are used to pit one group of people against others & often against themselves for the benefit of a few on top, or a few who want to hold onto or increase their own power & wealth using race theory. Thanks Shadow & Act for the link:

Netflix & iTunes looking good for some indies

From Scott Kirsner's Variety article Indie still looking for internet equation : "But distributors, producers and indie directors today say that most of their Internet revenues comes from two places: the DVD rental service Netflix, which offers an online streaming service to its members, and Apple's iTunes." Read the rest of the article at Variety . :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino 1 :: Alfonse Maiorino Italy Genealogy Forum :: Alfonse Maiorino NYC Brides Index :: Alfonse Maiorino Blogger Profile :: Alfonse Maiorino - Italian Genealogy Pagani blog

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

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