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Explore IFP post 3 - "What IFP Does"

In an earlier post I asked myself " what exactly does IFP do?". I found one answer, in broad & inspiring terms, at the IFP site. Here's that info ( from this page ): "What IFP does IFP knows where independent film is coming from, helped it get to where it is today, and has the experience and programs to advance its future. IFP fosters the development of 200 feature and documentary films a year through Independent Film Week™, the Independent Filmmaker Labs™ and other activities. IFP offers education in the art, technology and business of independent filmmaking through workshops, seminars, conferences, mentorships and Filmmaker Magazine™, the premier publication in the field. IFP builds the audience for independent films by showcasing them in collaboration with other cultural institutions and celebrating them with the Gotham Awards™, the first honors of the film awards season. IFP champions the work and advocates the interests of a network of 10,000 members in New

IFP website registration is not difficult - Explore IFP Post 2

At first (assuming I had registered months ago) I tried entering my e-mail & member ID # to sign in to IFP's site , did not work. Then I read info. on joining the site & learned that joining the site is free & that once joined I could link my IFP membership to it (for updating info, printing out membership card, etc.). So, with that info on hand I joined the site (created a new password for it, etc.), & now my IFP membership account is linked to my IFP website account - all seems fine. There was a little bit of confusion (in my mind) re: the free site account & the paid membership account - but it only took me a minute or so to figure out why I could not sign in to the site. I think, generally, the IFP website could be simplified, or the design could be improved. I like bank websites (they handle a lot of important information, but interacting with the sites - the ones I've seen - are relatively easy & simple), also I like Apple's website (Amazon

Exploring IFP: Post 1 - Independent Filmmaker Project blog

After complaining about IFP a little last night ( here ), I heard back from several IFP'ers (Thanks Scott, Danielle, Rupert) this morning & received lots of info. about what IFP does for their members, how to find out more & get more involved, etc. Also found out that I've been a member since April '09 & that IFP had an old mailing address for me (which explains the missing Filmmaker Mag issues & probably the missing John Sayles DVD). Anyway, since I have over 3-4 months left on my current membership, I am going to use it as much as possible & explore all that IFP has to offer to their members, & also figure out how (if necessary) IFP can be improved (I'm mostly concerned at this point about there being an org that could assist ultra-low budget filmmakers who self-distribute, also an indie filmmakers union & maybe even a credit union for indie filmmakers would not be bad ideas/nice things to have in the US - along with health insurance for i

Entre nous, I don't think I am going to renew my IFP membership in 2010 (but I would be fine with donating some $s for Filmmaker Mag blog)

UPDATE 12/14, 12:25 PM: Looks like, according to IFP, I joined as a member in April '09. I moved in June (from one part of Brooklyn to another) and IFP had my old address (all other mail has been forwarded - I think - perhaps magazines do not automatically get forwarded - will have to check into that (that could be a reason why I did not get the Filmmaker issues). But, more importantly, I am getting my John Sayles DVD! IFP said they will send me one to my new address (also I updated my address with IFP, so I should get IFP mail from now on) - most excellent. Working on getting a membership # & card at the moment - the # is required to access some parts of the IFP site, and the card is required for events. :: UPDATE 12/14, 11:32 PM: Received a list of helpful links from Danielle DiGiacomo (IFP Community Manager) - will be useful to have all those links in one place (i'll post those in comments [some require being signed in to Facebook, IFP, etc., so I just left a link t

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