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Epic Godard retrospective at NYFF

Get the link & see the promo video here . - S :: :: ADVERTISEMENT -  Mario Macaluso actor IMDb page  - 1 - Other IMDb links for Mario Macaluso: 2 -  - actor page 3 -  - producer page 4 -  - music department page And more: 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - mario macaluso videos - 10 - mario macaluso imdb credits as self - :: :: ADVERTISEMENT Brooklyn Fitness, Brookl

Check out Angelo Bell's BROKEN HEARTS CLUB on Amazon Instant Video

Rented & watched Angelo Bell's drama-comedy Broken Hearts Club through Amazon last night.  BHC is a unique, well made independent film.  The story is told primarily through long conversations and dramatic confrontations at a psychiatrist's office.  Film was shot well, directed well, & acted well.  Here's what one reviewer had to say about the movie: "The story of Broken Hearts Club sees leading criminal psychiatrist Terrence Thiebold (Jones) given a brand new set of patients, only they're not clinically insane, they're clinically heartbroken. Terrence has to adapt to not only a new style of treatment, but a variety of different love-lost personalities who each have their own stories of separation and betrayal to tell, all while trying to overcome an emotional obstacle the scale of which he has never faced before. A heart-warming drama with splashes of comedy, Broken Hearts Club is an absolute triumph in independent film-making." -  Adam S

These Are the Early Days of THE GLORY DAYS OF INDIE FILM - indie filmmaking & distribution is now available to the vast majority of interested artists in the US :: List of some sites that make it possible

"A beginning is a very delicate time." - Dune, the 1984 film by David Lynch (yes, I am a fan of David Lynch's Dune,  perhaps one of the few around, not unlike the small number of sandworms during one period of time in the Dune stories :) The promise or the goal or at least one major positive promise/goal of the American independent film movement was that one day any artist would be able to make a film (feature or short) and distribute it, outside of Hollywood, without any Hollywood interference.  Those days are now here, and have been for some time. At this point in time any artist who can get access to a smart phone or a video camera or the right kind of still camera, & can get two actors to volunteer for the film, & can shoot & edit & upload the finished film to the web & also market the film through social media & if they so choose collect money for the film using one of several methods available - is able to practice indie filmmaking &am

One of the best indie filmmakers working now doesn't make films - the curious case of Louis C.K.

Louis C.K. is an art/indie filmmaking auteur, he just uses some comedy & does his filmic story telling through half hour episodes on cable. He writes, directs, & edits each show. It's great indie film. Season 3 had some great moments. - - S :: :: ADVERTISEMENT Brooklyn Fitness, Brooklyn Personal Trainer - Sharissa Reichert - A Brooklyn Fitness Blog - :: Little Fishes IndieGoGo campaign & related links: 1 - IndieGoGo page - 2 - Alexia (director) Facebook, Twitter posts page - 3 - Alexia (director) Facebook timeline - 4 - Alexia (director) interviews Max Cutler about Little Fishes -

Awesome new photo book NEW YORK CITY & BREAKTHROUGH WEEKEND - check out the most excellent digital preview below!

:: I created this 8 x 10, 74 pages, Limited Edition (it won't be made or sold after 1/1/14) photo book to raise funds for post-production & distribution expenses for my new film Breakthrough Weekend.  This book will be a reward in the upcoming crowdfunding campaign for the movie, & it can also be purchased at Blurb .  All profit from the sales go towards BW post & distro expenses.  I have big plans for the movie, & it'll take some money (my goal is to raise $30K at least) to do it right (a well made film - color, sound, etc top notch, festival submissions, getting the film ready for VOD, setting up DVD sales, doing at least a 1 week run of the film in NYC, festival play (hopefully, & lots of it :), release in all available platforms, then market, market, market & distribute the film for 1 whole year, entire 12 months after the first official public screening, to get a lot of people in America & the world to hear about the movie, to buy the movi

New project for 2014 - DIY Film Distributor blog

Check it out here - . - S :: :: IndieGoGo - Breakthrough Weekend :: :: ADVERTISEMENT Brooklyn Fitness, Brooklyn Personal Trainer - Sharissa Reichert - A Brooklyn Fitness Blog - ::

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

Reading Material

Indie Film Blogger Road Trip