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A Woman Making Indie Movies - An Interview With Alexia Anastasio

By Sujewa Ekanayake   Filmmaker Alexia Anastasio While gender should not be an issue when it comes to making movies, unfortunately, at this point in time, women have a relatively more difficult time launching and sustaining their filmmaking careers (see here , here , here , also here ).  No doubt this situation will be corrected in the future and most likely that will happen with the help of the next wave of female filmmakers - as they figure out what works for each of them, what doesn't, and how to improve the overall situation. Alexia Anastasio is a female independent filmmaker who has made several films and is nearing completion on her new film Little Fishes . I spoke with her recently about her past projects, the current project, and future challenges. Sujewa - Alexia, thanks for taking the time out for this interview. Let's jump in to the subject that I mentioned at top, why do you think, at this point in time, it appears to be more difficult for female indepen

Breakthrough Weekend will screen June 12-18 at Anthology Film Archives in NYC - early notice

By end of March we will have final posters, promo art, final trailers, final clips, and we will be launching an epic marketing campaign to spread the word about the June 12-18/one week long run of Breakthrough Weekend at Anthology Film Archives in NYC.  Also film festival news coming by the end of March.  In the meantime, enjoy the early notice promo image below :) - ::

US Senators Introduce Resolution in Support of Sri Lanka's Domestic Reconciliation Process

The Embassy of Sri Lanka Press Release    US SENATORS INTRODUCE RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF SRI LANKA'S DOMESTIC RECONCILIATION PROCESS Calls on President Obama to adopt balanced & comprehensive policy towards Sri Lanka Eleven senior Members of the United States Senate introduced a bipartisan Senate Resolution (S. Res. 364) on Thursday, Feb 27 expressing support for Sri Lanka's internal reconciliation process and the significant overall progress the Country has made since the end of the civil war--some 5 years ago. The Senators also called on the President of the United States to develop a "comprehensive and well balanced policy towards Sri Lanka", supportive of promoting U.S. interests including respect for human rights, democracy  the rule of law as well as taking onto account the United States economic and security interests. Senate Resolution 364 recognizes the immense suffering of the Sri Lankan people caused by the 26-year conflict, and the genuine aspir

A good letter about stopping the unjust US & UN threats against Sri Lanka :: Petition for the White House

2/27 Update: Petition for the White House re: not bringing counter-productive war crimes charges at this point in time - Sri Lanka needs more time to recover from a brutal 29 year long civil war. While the Sri Lankan government has done a lot for peace & reconciliation since the war ended 5 years ago, and there is a lot more to do, calls for war crimes charg es by the UN & US at this point will help no one. Check it out & sign the petition if you agree. * From the letter : "This is a witch hunt against my people who have suffered enough with terrorism for nearly 29 years that we who live in the US do not understand.  The threat of a third resolution against Sri Lanka due to impatience, with unreal expectations of what  you  believe should have been accomplished in a short period of 5 years, fails to credit the work c

some places i've screened my films

getting ready for the upcoming release of my new film breakthrough weekend.  making a list of previous screenings - for various purposes.  i've been showing/sharing my films with audiences at screening venues since 1992.  here is a quick, incomplete list of some places i've screened: - the kennedy center, washington, dc - cineplex odeon foundry, washington, dc - cafe metro, washington, dc - atlanta film festival 2009 - the pioneer theater, new york city - anthology film archives, new york city - northwest film forum, seattle - visions cinema, washington, dc i'll have a complete list available in march. my films so far are: 1 - fresh coffee, 2 - wild diner, 3 - 17 dc poets, 4 -  date number one , 5 -  indie film blogger road trip , 6 - brooklyn fantastic (not yet complete), 7 -  breakthrough weekend (mid-2014 release) - sujewa ::

On the set, love scenes, interviews, inspiration & a lot of other great links about new film Little Fishes

Little Fishes Crowdfunding campaign from Alexia Anastasio on Vimeo . 1 - IndieGoGo page - 2 - Alexia (director) Facebook, Twitter posts page - 3 - Alexia (director) Facebook timeline - 4 - Alexia (director) interviews Max Cutler about Little Fishes - 5 - page for Little Fishes campaign - 6 - Alexia (director) on Tumblr - 7 - Alexia on Twitter - 8 - Alexia on Instagram - 9 - Alexia interviews actress Vivian Kane -

NYC Indie Film Group 1 had meeting #1 on Saturday 2/8/14 night in midtown

L-R - Eric (with daughter) from Vamp Bikers, Jane from Warhol's Cars video, Jeanine (seated) from Vamp Bikers, Sujewa from Breakthrough Weekend, Manuel from Vamp Bikers, Adrian from Sex, Love & Salsa, not pictured - James from Brooklyn Unemployed. The filmmakers plan on working together on distributing & marketing their current projects and on making new films. Links to the films: Breakthrough Weekend - Facebook , website Brooklyn Unemployed - Facebook Sex, Love & Salsa - Facebook , website Vamp Bikers - Facebook More from this group soon… ::

How True/False Film Festival Just Became The Coolest Indie Film Festival In America!

They are going to pay their filmmakers!  Something that many filmmakers requested from film festivals for a long time.  Way to lead on positive change there T/F.  Get all the info at this Filmmaker mag blog article . - Sujewa ::

Great interview with Haile Gerima at Shadow & Act

From mid-2013.  Still great.  From the interview : "S&A: If not a movement, are there any specific filmmakers that you find are doing interesting work? HG: Well you know, they start and they disappear, and the reason is because they don't enter into joint relationships. Most, especially the young filmmakers, do not see strength in communal or collective existence. They just think they're going to conquer the world as individuals. There is no world like that. In cinema it's always, even in Hollywood, a collective surge.  A group of filmmakers enter and take over power. And so individual efforts do exist, which I've seen left and right, but they do not understand the collective, the communal, the importance of working together. And when you don't work together you can't emerge as a force. It becomes what some call a “lonely struggle” and individual self-destruction." Read the rest of the interview at Shadow & Act . - Sujewa ::

Inside the Arthouse ep 2

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

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Indie Film Blogger Road Trip