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Welcome to the easiest time period in the history of the world to be an artist. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc are all art making mediums.

So what are some well known art making mediums?  Paint on canvass certainly.  Film projected onto screens certainly.  Luckily for those of us alive in the present, and who want to make art, a lot of us are now, on a daily bases, logged into new art making mediums.  A Facebook post can be art - take a photo of it, frame it, done! :)  An Instagram photo can be art.  A Tweet can be art.  It all depends on how you think about what art is and what art mediums are. Almost anything can be art.  As long as an artist is making it or the end product has some art qualities.  Making a sandwich can be art.  The end product - the sandwich - can be art.  Paying bills can be art - if properly documented and presented to the public.  Writing down dates or painting them can be art - see this exhibition by work by On Kawara for proof . Make art everyday.  Interact with the ordinary, daily world at a deeper, more creative level.  Might be a rewarding experience for you and others. - Sujewa

The Unstoppable Ed Burns

Review of Independent Ed, career autobiography by Ed Burns Review by Sujewa Ekanayake Ed Burns is a survivor.  His story is, in part, a fairy tale story of great, unexpected highs and lucky breaks. Independent Ed tells the story of Burns making his debut movie The Brothers McMullen  - which won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance , acting in Steven Spielberg’s epic World War II movie Saving Private Ryan , making the digital feature Newlyweds for $9000 and tales of many filmmaking and acting adventures in-between and after. While there are many moments of luck and several breakthroughs in his story, one very useful aspect of it is how Burns perseveres through repeated challenges, several failures, and much uncertainty and keeps going after the thrill of making a movie - represented by his magical 12 days of making McMullen.  Independent Ed is a how-to on making one’s own luck through hard work, persistence, and surviving the low points of a filmmaking career. The book should be

Check out George's Restaurant blog & sites for great food & delivery in Sunset Park, Brooklyn

I filmed a part of my new movie Breakthrough Weekend at George's. Check out their blog here and their menu site here and their Facebook page here .  When you need good food in Sunset Park, Brooklyn (free home delivery) visit George's. All the Links: George’s Restaurant on Facebook - George’s Restaurant on Tumblr - George’s Restaurant blog - George’s Restaurant on Twitter - George’s Restaurant Menu site - review of Breakthrough Weekend

Check out the review here - From the review by Angelo Bell:  " Breakthrough Weekend tells the story of philosophical detective,  Sal , who has a roster of clients with special needs. Sal takes on a new protege,  Yevgeny , for this particular weekend and proceeds to introduce him to the crazy whacky world that has made Sal's "particular set of skills" of great value. Yevgeny has been perpetually depressed and detached from life for much of his adult life, despite writing a successful novel, and finds himself lost, confused and the perfect candidate for Sal's rare form of sociological and metaphysical motivation. As the two private dicks bond over a literally insane weekend, Yevgeny finds solace in knowing that he's not as fucked up as he thought, and Sal continues -- business as usual -- helping a slew of New York nutjobs get their lives back on track by overc

Breakthrough Festival NYC Event Page on Facebook

Check out the event page & join it if you are going to be in NYC 6/12-18 & or if you want to show your support for an awesome indie film screening event -

NYC film screenings, June 2014

Get info on:  Where We Started NewFilmmakers NY screening  - June 10,  Breakthrough Weekend theatrical premiere  June 12,  Where We Started NYC theatrical premiere  June 12, Breakthrough Festival NYC (featuring Breakthrough Weekend, Where We Started, Matha, Mille Soya, Resurrection of Serious Rogers, Little Fishes, and shorts) - June 12-18 . All screenings at Anthology Film Archives, 32 Second Ave, NY, NY 10003 Contact: All info at this link -

Breakthrough Weekend review by Rick Schmidt

BREAKTHROUGH WEEKEND a film by Sujewa Ekanayake. Reviewed by Rick Schmidt   When my Feature Filmmaking at Used-Car Prices book first came out, I ended the Preface by saying, "In an age where motion pictures are being called the major new art form of the twentieth century, I think it is important that many more of these "features" are created outside the Hollywood system, by artists who have something to say with an original and personal point of view." Well, with his new feature, Breakthrough Weekend ( 80 minutes, Color, ©2014 ) , writer/director Sujewa Ekanayake has done just that. Very rarely do I get to see a movie this unique, with a fresh new approach, that can't be readily compared to much else. And because it is an original , filmmaker Ekanayake having invented his own brand of storytelling and interplay of characters, it will demand more from an audience than, say, a Spiderman, X-Men or Scorsese film (sorry Martin, but your movies are 'c

Apparently Indiewire's Sam Adams hates indie film distribution

That or he has a very poor understanding that small distributors, foreign distributors, art distributors, and individual filmmakers have always carried out small/relatively low budget distribution projects - including self-distributed projects - and that this type of activity is what created the independent film movement and practice and also what sustains it, and that in NYC, it is an awesome thing that New York Times reviews every movie that plays in the city for a week or more (very useful thing for small distributors who might get a good review, also very useful for audiences in discovering new voices).  Read the sad article and ask yourself why someone who hates indie film distribution and indie films getting reviewed by the Times is writing for Indiewire (I believe that 'indie' in Indiewire stands for independent film, not certain though :) - - Sujewa ::

Breakthrough Weekend review at 24/7 Cinema blog

Check out the review at 24/7 Cinema blog .

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

Reading Material

Indie Film Blogger Road Trip