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How to Change Your Group Identity

How to Change Your Group Identity By Sujewa Ekanayake Introduction Most group identities are manufactured.  Identities such as racial identities - White, Black, and other such identities are manufactured or human-made identities.  Or geography based identities - African, Asian, European - or religion or philosophy based identities - Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Platonist, Existentialist, and other such identities are all manufactured identities as opposed to natural identities. A natural identity would be the fact that you are an individual human being or the fact that you are a man or a woman.  Natural identities are true whether labels created by society for the purpose of organizing and controlling people exist or not.  For example, you would still physically be a human individual even if no other humans were around to identify you as a human individual.  However, this is not true for manufactured social identities or political identities.  For example, you would not be eith

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