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Update On All Things Filmic From My Little Corner Of The World

This ninja (John Stabb Schroeder) goes on a blind date in Date Number One
photo copyright 2005 sujewa ekanayake/wild diner films

Rolling nicely into Spring over here. Here's what I'm up to film action wise:

* Editing Date Number One. Almost done, just a couple more days & I'll have that screener DVD peeps have been waiting for.

* Seattle 5/19 - 5/21 Date Number One World Premiere is set. Need to create a web page for that event, this weekend. Fine tuning travel, crew, ticketing, etc. plans for Seattle at the moment. Also making Seattle publicity plans, to go into effect starting around 4/15.

* Searching for a DC area venue to have a benefit screening (partial benefit @ least, 50% of ticket sales, for We Are Family, a DC charity that helps the elderly, run by punk author & activist Mark Andersen) in early May, before I head out to Seattle for the World Premiere (i like that term, World Premiere, i guess a lot of mundane things can be world premieres too, not just movies, will have to think about that, possible idea to explore in a movie :).
- Found out that AFI Silver will not work out for a benefit event, too expensive, but I am hoping that at some point in the future there can be a regular run of Date Number One at that fine local theater.
- Need to check w/ several other local venues re: the benefit, should have it all worked out next week.

* Need to update the Capital City Microcinema website, almost finished that work today, but had to take a long trip to go get a XL1s to shoot an Ext. AM shot on Fri, so the CCM website will have to wait 'till tomorrow. The CCM events will be very well attended/sold out anyway, I've already got the word out among Kensingtonians.

* Need to get caught up on my blogging, several things to blog about, will do next week. On the blogging front, still need to add all the links to the Indie Features 06 films to that blog - early next week at the latest (maybe this weekend). Kelley Baker (in US) & Liz Nord (in Germany) are doing well on their DIY tours, the last I heard, need to check back & blog about them.

* Couple of DVDs still!!!! need to be mailed to Chuck T. (they are like 2 weeks late!!!!!!). Definitely getting that done tomorraw.

* Spent a couple of hundred dollars last week on setting up the CCM screenings for April & May. Still need to send $s to AIVF. James Israel's recent post says AIVF raised $13K so far, a very good start, they'll get another $70, from me, soon.

* Bunch of dayjob work needs to be finished up. Tomorrow. Not directly film related but the $s from the dayjob makes film work possible right now. In a few months the film work should pay for itself.

* Lightly planning New York City & Baltimore play for Date Number One at the moment. Will fine tune those plans in May. Hopefully, between May - end of July I will play Date Number One in DC, Seattle, New York City & Baltimore. And will have it available on DVD on a limited basis (mail order from me, DC retail in a handful of places). And hopefully by the end of the May - end of July period I should have screening dates worked out for a dozen other US cities.

* Will start submitting to festivals this month, need to look at which deadlines are coming up. & i i need to update my withoutabox page (also MySpace, Friendster, but my indieLOOP page is doing well - worked on that regulary the last few days).

* 235.987661some "little" items need to be taken care of, on film stuff & general life stuff, let's see what I can get done this weekend :)

And that's the latest from Kensington, MD folks (less than 15 mins. outside of D!C!). Have a lovely weekend, talk 2 ya next week!

It's gonna be an awesome DIY film Spring '06. y e a h

- Sujewa

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