DNO in NYC, it's gonna be awesome! Date Number One, the ultra indie DIY self-distro movie of mine playing in New York City, the traditional homeland of indie film, will be magical. First stop to check: the Pioneer theater, the CBGB of new indie films. Pioneer should have received the DNO screener today. So, at some point this month, hopefully, I'll know if I will be screening DNO at Pioneer or not. And that's the latest from Date Number One land. Maxin' & relaxin' & getting ready for the early August DVD v1 release, preparing it, & getting ready for Fall screenings & some festival play. Working on the slow transformation of self into a smooth operatin' DNO distribution machine. Also waiting for some new reviews. Details coming very soon on various juicy DNO distro projects.
* If the YouTube link above does not open easily, click here to go view the video - https://youtu.be/HSWiCrkbV6o?si=c9gNuHu2-J4ir1uZ * Film screens 2/14 night in DC - all info and tix here - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bittersweet-qa-with-director-steve-martini-cast-valentines-rom-com-tickets-1215654026919