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Watch Canyon, MAN, Three Worlds NOW - The Three Marks, Too Many Signals Series by Amir Motlagh





Three Worlds from Amir Motlagh on Vimeo.




The visual work of LA’s own Amir Motlagh is something rivaled only by that of the more auditory variety. Artists come in all capacities and mediums. In a place like Los Angeles, the amount to choose from becomes so plentiful that standing out can be the first and last key step of one’s career. That said, it’s pretty safe to admit that the filmmaker shown off here has done just that. Matching a level of creativity with an equal amount of quality, the films of Motlagh have always fluctuated in style, tone and subject matter. While some tend to be stand alone pieces of cinema, others also have an extra utility attached to their existence. In this case, that utility I’m speaking of is that of the musician’s preference. In recent years, the idea of releasing a full length album or E.P. through the means of a visual counterpoint has become quite popular around specific creators. With Pharrell, Frank Ocean and others leading a charge, it’s absolutely breathtaking to see the same being done by producers of the more independent selection.

The Microcinema Sevant -



“It’s always exciting whenever a distinct new voice makes itself heard on the indie landscape. Amir Motlagh is such a voice...
...transported and taken out of my comfort zone…. transcendent experience” — Adam Schartoff FILMWAX RADIO
“This was a film that turned the job of “watching” back onto the audience, forcing them to reflect on the things seen, heard, and felt…” — Jonita Davis THE IRANIAN
“The themes of Man are extremely relevant and poignant as material possession and technological developments conflict with physical, human connection like Jonze’s ‘Her’... It’s exciting to see modern representation of romance... I have not felt so conscious about my interactions and introspective feelings as a modern male in a long time.” — Timothy Noordermeer FILM CRITIC, WRITER
“…..takes something as mundane as “daily activities” and turns them into an opportunity to observe the moments of our lives we gloss over or consider mundane” — David Fowlie KEEPING IT REEL
“An engrossing film... there’s something deeply honest about it... it paints such an intimate, simple portrait of a day.” — Matthew Misetich SCRIPT PIPELINE
“This is fantastic. [Man] has achieved a very even, coherent aesthetic, which for something like this is a fine line to walk... specifically how humans are changing because of digital media and technology — the ‘always connected’ network...” — Chad Davis DIGITAL PRODUCER NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY


Three Worlds

"It's rare to mix rawness with beauty" - Marcus Pinn PINNLAND EMPIRE / ZEBRAS IN AMERICA
"It's always exciting whenever a distinct new voice makes itself heard on the indie landscape. Amir
Motlagh is such a voice...."Honest and soulful" - Adam Schartoff FILMWAX RADIO
“There is without a doubt a definitive boldness to “Three Worlds”, both in its tone and aspirations, and it
will certainly require viewers to lean in a little closer, which is never a bad thing…..a curious and fascinating watch.” - David Fowlie KEEPING IT REEL
The experience of both films (MAN + Three Worlds) is one that any film connoisseur must have. To sit
with an awareness of the film, and, an awareness of how you are watching it, is a surreal act that can
only be described as “art.” Motlagh’s work is definitely a piece of art in the medium of film.” - Jonita Davis THE IRANIAN


For more info on all of Amir Motlagh's projects, visit his website.

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