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Only In Theaters on 6/15, Cosmic Disco Detective Rene 7/12 - 18 and beyond, Chetzemoka's Curse 7/12, Thank You 5 on 7/13 - at Film Noir Cinema in Greenpoint, Brooklyn

More info coming soon about these screenings. For now:

Only In Theaters documentary screening on 6/15 at 6 PM - at Film Noir Cinema in Greenpoint, Brooklyn - $10

Cosmic Disco Detective Rene will screen starting 7/12 and go until 7/18 and beyond. Every day at 7 PM. - at Film Noir Cinema in Greenpoint, Brooklyn - $10

Chetzemoka's Curse will screen on 7/12 at 9 PM - at Film Noir Cinema in Greenpoint, Brooklyn - $10

Thank You 5 will screen on 7/13 at 5 PM - at Film Noir Cinema in Greenpoint, Brooklyn - $10

Filmmakers or team members from projects will be at screenings at opening show (or the 1 show for 3 of the movies, Rene is a 1 week+ run/open ended run).

More info, including ticket sales links, other info on the movies, directors coming soon!

Screenings organized by Indie Discovery LA In NYC screening series/Sujewa Ekanayake.

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

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