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Is Saudi Arabia beheading people with 15 year sentences, with the help of possibly unfair trials?

This news story from Sri Lanka indicates that Saudi Arabia maybe sword-happy when it comes to capital punishment. Apparently a Sri Lankan who was sentenced to 15 years in jail was beheaded in Saudi Arabia. Perhaps Saudi Arabia is a place that needs a regime change - or at least an overhaul of their capital punishment system. I wonder what other evil stuff is happening in Saudi Arabia. Time to start looking. - Sujewa

Interview with The Loft Cinema's Jeff Yanc

Lance Weiler talks with Jeff Yanc, program director and the film booker for the indie theater The Loft Cinema in Tucson, Arizona. Lots of helpful tips for self-distributing filmmakers, specially on screening your film at Loft Cinema. - Sujewa

Thinking outside Hollywood & Indiewood time frame for DIY success

What is the Hollywood & Indiewood time frame for the initial most significant period of distribution of a film & making money back from the project? I'd say usually 12 - 24 months. Within that time a film will have its theatrical wide release (if Hollywood) or have its premiere at one of the famous film festivals (if Indiewood, and now some Hollywood films too) and, if Indiewood, may go on to some level of theatrical distribution (most Hollywood theatrical goes far wider), or will go to DVD and other markets (both Hollywood & Indiewood stuff). All that happens within a 12 -24 month period, as far as I can tell, for most Hollywood & Indiewood projects with a theatrical & DVD distribution component. And through all that the Hollywood or Indiewood companies that own the films may make a lot of money, and may make the film and its director and perhaps some if its actors famous. And all that work would have been accomplished by spending a lot of money (hundreds

Mike Tully's COCAINE ANGEL opens for a 1 week run tomorrow (Wed 2/21) at PIONEER THEATER, NYC!!!

Go here to buy tix for tomorrow's screening. Pioneer's website with info. on the other 6 upcoming screenings of the film (scroll down 'till you see COCAINE ANGEL). Here's the Cocaine Angel website . About the movie: "The flip side of the sunshine state. COCAINE ANGEL is caked with legitimate, unforgettable grime, one that makes similar Hollywood efforts seem as fake as an orange juice commercial." - FILMMAKER MAGAZINE "Another American low-budget highlight, first-time director Michael Tully's convincingly grimy Cocaine Angel goes a long way toward rescuing the addiction drama from junkie stereotypes and self-help cliches, thanks in no small part to star/screenwriter Damian Lahey, whose shambling presence is well matched by his gift for free-ranging monologues.” - THE VILLAGE VOICE "Most impressive about the film is its conclusion, which hits just the right note of optimism; Scott may be doomed, but the world he's living in turns out to have

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

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