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There might be a little private Indie Film Blogger Road Trip doc viewing party on Sat eve/night in Brooklyn

SAT 10/25 Early AM Update: Will not be able to go to Brooklyn today, so, the screening will have to happen next weekend. Stay tuned. (here's the original post, no longer valid) If all the 2 Do items in front of me at the moment get done properly tonight & tomorrow, I should be watching my new doc Indie Film Blogger Road Trip in Brooklyn this Sat 10/25 eve/night @ a friend's/my temp house. Since most of the NYC bloggers featured in the doc are from Brooklyn, I think this is in some way very appropriate. Anyway, if you are interested in attending this little event, let me know. - Sujewa

There may be good reasons to not like Ballast, but the fact that a "white" director made it should not be one of them

Here's my comment re: SpoutBlog's post Does Ballast Really Deserve a Backlash? In that question lies another question - is it acceptable for a director to make a film about people who belong to another social/ethnic/political/economic/"racial" group? Here's what I said about it: I don’t see any problem with a person from one group making a work of art/entertainment about a person or people from another social/religious/political/national/ethinic/”race”/whatever group. We (humans) have been doing it for thousands of years. Some do it well, others don’t. But either way, it’s alright to do. I thought Gandhi was well done - not that I am an expert on the life & times of Gandhi - but, as a movie goer - what I saw & heard seemed like a good reflection of what I knew about Gandhi, even though the movie was made by a non-Indian & “white”, British director. So, it is possible, I think, for a person to make a good movie about a person or a group of people fro

Success Driven Happiness of Galactica, Recognition of Beauty in Ordinary Existence Driven Happiness of Mystery Train, Spinoza's guide to happiness

In Battlestar Galactica the main characters face enormous challenges, and most of the time they overcome those challenges, and the audience is satisfied by that pattern. Of course if all the humans or main characters - human & Cylon - who the audience identifies as positive - end up dying at the end of the series next year, perhaps the audience will be very disappointed. Success, in the Galactica world, ultimately means survival. Success in our world can also mean survival, except, we know all of us will die one day - from old age, etc. So, even though survival works as the ultimate signifier of success in the Galactica world - or in our judgement of the lives of the characters in that world, that is not an option that we have in our/the real world. Survival is only available to us as a source of temporary happiness - we know we are alive now, but who knows what will happen in 10 minutes or 10 years? Let's take a look at another kind of success, another kind of happiness, in a

Saw Mongol

Pretty good movie. Mongol is part 1 of 3 apparently, about the life of Genghis Khan. Some aspects of the story was difficult to follow, probably because I do not know details of Mongolian history, but, generally, very well made ancient warrior epic. Here's A.O. Scott's review in the New York Times . A clip, from a battle scene towards the end of Mongol:


Saw Happy Go Lucky last night. It was good & funny. Here's a review . And another review , this one from the Washington Post . - Sujewa :: :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino 1 :: Alfonse Maiorino Italy Genealogy Forum :: Alfonse Maiorino NYC Brides Index :: Alfonse Maiorino Blogger Profile :: Alfonse Maiorino - Italian Genealogy Pagani blog :: Alfonse Maiorino 2 :: Alfonse Maiorino 4 :: Alfonse Maiorino 5

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

Reading Material

Indie Film Blogger Road Trip