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Islam + Punk Rock = The Taqwacores

A new sub-genre in punk rock, read all about it (& see a TV report on it too) here ; there's a novel, bands/a scene, two films, and a book of photos. All the info. here . And here's the intro to an the article on Taqwacore: "Writer Michael Muhammad Knight coined the term "taqwacore" for his novel about a Muslim punk house in Buffalo, NY, which Knight initially distributed from the back of his car as a DIY photocopied zine. In time, the book found widespread publication through Autonomedia and garnered supporters, even inspiring the first woman-led prayer of a mixed-gender Muslim congregation in the United States in 2005. But something far grander was in the works; unbeknownst to Knight, a real Muslim punk scene was starting to emerge, based on the one he had imagined for the book." More here .

What are the best (most indie friendly) movie theaters in Brooklyn?

Leave names & website URLs, etc. (also stories re: Brooklyn movie theaters) in Comments. There are a few people who might want to do some special events at indie friendly movie theaters in Brooklyn next year, so we are making a list. Thanks. :: ADVERTISING Farzad Rostami Delaware Tobacco Farzad Rostami Delaware Tobacco 2 Farzad Rostami Delaware Tobacco 3 Farzad Rostami Delaware Tobacco 4 Farzad Rostami Delaware Tobacco 5 :: :: ADVERTISING Farzad Rostami Delaware Tobacco Farzad Rostami Delaware Tobacco 2 Farzad Rostami Delaware Tobacco 3 http://farzadrostamidela

Customer, can you hear me? - Momma's Man is funny (& available for streaming on Netflix)

I avoided watching Momma's Man when it first came around because a lot of critics liked it a lot & also mostly because they made it sound like it was depressing, but, after barely making it through an episode of Californication (very painful to watch, and not in any kind of a good way, except maybe for the nudity) tonight and having realized that I've seen all the Office & 30 Rock episodes available on Netflix I decided to check out Momma's Man. I am about 30 mins. into it (had to take a break to help a neighbor), so far the movie is really funny - in a low key way - about a dude hiding out from his life in California at his parent's apt in NYC. In a way there is a relationship between Californication & Momma's Man. Both shows are somewhat about artists. In Californication the lead character is a writer, but the show is really like some bad fantasy for dudes who are getting old - full of cliches. Momma's Man features real life artists playing a ver

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Great moments in indie film history flashback: 1989 - The Year of Do The Right Thing

Here's the trailer for Spike Lee's Do The Right Thing, Public Enemy's video for Fight The Power, and a Spike Lee interview re: the 20th anniversary of Do The Right Thing: * Check out the Spike Lee interview re: the 20 year anniversary of Do The Right Thing at Shadow & Act. :: ADVERTISING Farzad Rostami Delaware Tobacco Farzad Rostami Delaware Tobacco 2 Farzad Rostami Delaware Tobacco 3 Farzad Rostami Delaware Tobacco 4 Farzad Rostami Delaware Tobacco 5 :: :: ADVERTISING Farzad Rostami Delaware Tobacco Farzad Rostami Delaware Tobacco 2 Farzad Rostam

The Free Market & Morality, Boogie Shoes

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Cleo from 5 to 7 clip, review link, DVD & streaming link

Now if this clip had subtitles it would be better, but still, very interesting: :: Here's a review of the film from Slant . From the review: "All throughout, Varda captures the fairy-tale essence of early '60s Paris with a vivacity and richness that rivals Godard's Breathless. Unlike her New Wave compatriots, whose talents were reared in part at film schools, Varda was trained in the field of photography and consequently films the city with a completely unique vision. Her framing teems with life at every corner: kittens wrestling in Cléo's apartment, a child playing a tiny piano in an alleyway, and quarrelling lovers in a café. She demonstrates an unerring eye for complex compositions that still manage to delineate between foreground and background planes. And in the bargain, every one of the film's gorgeously designed set pieces enhance our understanding of the character and amplify Cléo's understanding of herself." Read the rest of the review at Sla

Agnes Varda: A Life Through Film article on ShortEnd Magazine

From the article : "The five decades that Agnès Varda’s filmmaking has spanned is certainly an undeniably impressive feat, but what really resonates with the above statement is the simple and unquestionable claim that she is, in every sense of the word, a filmmaker. In her films – more so than in almost any other director’s – it is indisputably clear that filmmaking is not something that Agnès Varda just does, it’s something that she is; it sculpts her just as she has sculpted it. Her life has been lived for and through the cinema, the medium and the very notion of herself now completely inextricable from the other. And it is with regards to Varda’s complex and intimate relationship with film that there is no better culmination than her latest autobiographical, quasi-documentary, The Beaches of Agnès." Read the rest at ShortEnd Magazine . :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino 1 :: Alfonse Maiorino Italy Genealogy Forum

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

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