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These two humans are gonna be in my next movie as leads (2 of many), new script update, DNO DVD update :: Mekas's '07 short #2

pictured: Jennifer Blakemore, me (Sujewa Ekanayake)
photos copyright 2007 sujewa ekanayake/wild diner films

I need to get some good recent photos (another thing for that '0l '07 2 do list) of myself (the hair hasn't been punkdyed for years now). New Movie Update: working on the script, I think I have a title, the film is gonna have multiple, interconnected stories, with several leads (Date Number One style). I have not acted in a movie since like '98, looking forward to acting again, this time with the conveniences of digital video & its gift of multiple, multiple takes (for a review of my acting in my ill-fated '99 released feature Wild Diner, go here ("at times perfect for the role, at times not so much..." - Amir Motlagh), we shot that feature on 16 MM, w/ pretty much a 1 to 1 shooting ratio, in pretty much one weekend - not a good idea, too many things were rushed, I've "suppressed" that movie - will probably put it out on DVD in late '07 w/ some other early movies of mine). Anyway, back to what's been written so far on the new film's script (i decided to write a new script from scratch instead of using one of my older, unproduced scripts, it is more fun this way): the story with me & Jen will focus on a conversation. I've had some wild, hilarious & at times infuriating conversations with Jen over the last couple of years, so those will be a starting point for our story. All in all I think there will be 4 or 5 separate stories in the new movie/Untitled January 07 Project or the UJ07P. Heavy work on this new movie should commence as soon as the Date Number One DVD is out/available for purchase. I am thinking around 1/15. Aside from the "conversation with Jen" story, I have several good ideas for other stories (did a bunch of writing today at IHOP Wheaton, I like writing in well lit, relatively empty restaurants - like IHOP & Tastee Diner Silver Spring on weeknights, on paper, with pen, not the laptop/computer for the early phases of writing), but more work is necessary before they can be fully chosen. I came up with the unifying concept for the movie/the several stories today, but will wait to announce that & the title until after the script is finished. Hopefully this new movie will meet its audience in early Spring, on some screens & on DVD, which is a lot faster than it took DNO to get out to the world. This year is gonna be (hopefully): 2007, The Year of Much Productivity on the Filmmaking Front. 2006, The Year of Self-Distribution, has given me a lot of energy & hope, now that I know I am able to deliver my movies to the audience (at least on a very limited basis, but distribution nevertheless :). This new feature is gonna have awesome cine/video-graphy & excellent sound. I got the screenwriting & directing thing down pretty well (for the needs of the moment), now I will be doing a lot of cinematography/videography & sound recording skillz buildin', prep & tests before I shoot the new feature - need to see improvements in those technical areas. Work continues on the DNO DVD; should have the final version of the movie on DVD by this weekend, and after some paper work gets finished, should be able to make it available for sale around 1/15, from the Wild Diner Store & other avenues. Stay tuned.


And check out Jonas Mekas's short film # 2 of '07 (Mekas is raising the productivity bar! watch out - !365 shorts in 365 days!!!), each day's film is available for free on that day (u need an mp4 player to watch the flicks, i am still trying to see them/download a free working mp4 player program, lemme know if ya got any helpful tips, thanks!) .

- Sujewa

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