well, this is not the best of photos (it's a scan actually) & this rough version of a DVD cover was made using some xeroxed images & put together using scotch tape, but this is one possibility for the Date Number One DVD box front. something like this may grace the outside of at least the first 100 DVDs, those will be more or less home made. or maybe this will just be a screener cover. either way, had fun making it tonight & it was easy to make. couple more things to finish up on the movie, so in early February (quite possibly later this week), i should be able to start selling the movie on DVD. i have a couple more ideas for the DVD box covers, including a totally Hollywood/indiewood release looking one, perhaps those will be up here soon.
* By Sujewa Ekanayake * 1 - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene (2023) - seen at Film Noir Cinema in 2024, director - Sujewa Ekanayake I directed this movie and am a big fan of it. Obviously it is very interesting to me because I placed interesting ideas and images, scenes, dialogue in the movie. Here are 2 reviewers on the movie: "The funny, hopeful, and spirited sci-fi comedy explores concepts such as simulation theory and multiple dimensions..." - Jamie Toth, Cyclops At The Cinema https://somewhatcyclops.com/cosmic-disco-detective-rene-and-the-mystery-of-immortal-time-travelers/ "Indie filmmaking at its finest, this followup to 'The Secret Society for Slow Romance' is one charming comedy." - Bill Arceneaux, Moviegoing with Bill - https://www.moviegoing.rocks/p/cosmicdisco From YouTube page for the movie: "Are immortal time travelers going back in time to disrupt the past? Is that a threat to our time period? The government wants to know so they hire Rene...