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Next DATE NUMBER ONE Screening: March 15 at Kensington Row Bookshop

a comedy about several first dates
a movie by sujewa ekanayake
Thu March 15
8 PM
Kensington Row Bookshop
a capital city microcinema event
3786 Howard Ave.,
Kensington, MD 20895
running time: 115 mins.

About Date Number One:

A ninja, a woman who always uses air quotes, a writer who is working on an easy manual for saving the world, and other relatively ordinary Washington, DC area characters discover the seemingly epic drama, tragedy and the humor of being on a first date. The dates include an attempt at having a first date by previous lovers who could not make the whole romantic relationship thing work the first time around, and the playing out of an elaborate plan to expand the regular boundaries of a relationship by adding a third partner. The film has been found to be witty, funny & sexy.

Here are some reactions to Date Number One by a few people who watch a lot of movies (and sometimes get paid to write about movies):

"Date Number One is quite funny...twentysomethings and occasional thirtysomethings looking for romance recall Richard Linklater's philosopher slackers and Jim Jarmusch's minimalist attention to conversation...also a subtle, thoughtful film...might be understood as the anti-Crash depiction of life in the city...depicts a comfortably multi-ethnic community...I'd happily recommend it."
- Chuck Tryon, media professor & blogger, The Chutry Experiment blog
"I found the characters and the premise sexy, sexy, sexy."
- Jerry Brewington, Hollywood Is Talking blog, on Story 2 of Date Number One
"...witty...often inventive...and, even better, airy: characters are given time and space to spell out their views...views that never bear the artificial markings of a Hollywood screenwriter's compulsion to reduce them to sound-bites."
- David Hudson, Editor, GreenCine Daily blog
"FIVE really entertaining, fully realized romantic interludes...a shamefully rare achievement"
- Tom Kipp, Seattle audience member, former film reviewer for Seattle alternative weekly The Stranger
"Heartfelt...poignant...I loved it!"
- Jon Moritsugu, award winning filmmaker

SCREENED IN New York City's Pioneer Theater * Seattle's Northwest Film Forum * Washington, DC's Goethe-Institut & Warehouse Screening Room* Kensington, Maryland's Kensington Row Bookshop/Capital City Microcinema * Takoma Park, Maryland's Sangha IN 2006

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