Date Number One hungry for more NYC screenings :: IFC blogstar AW conducted interview happening :: Sigiri :: Day 3 in NYC over, all went well
Stuff Done Today/Need To Do soon:
- Got about 300 fliers out in the East Village neighborhood promoting the 8/31 Date Number One screening at Pioneer theater
- Spoke w/ about a dozen enthusiastic NYC people about the film, they said they will spread the word about the 8/31 screening.
- Got the contact info for the IFC center programmer (one of many?) at the IFC Center itself (right by the West 4th subway station, where I got off last couple of days to go to East Village),
wll be attempting to get Date Number One screenings there.
- Lots of NYC theaters to contact re: DNO screenings, will be doing it this month.
* if you know ,or if you are, a NYC indie screening venue (indie theater, microcinema) programmer, let me know, will tell ya all about Date Number One so that we can look into doing some screenings. e-mail me at wilddiner AT
- Date Number One Posters & post cards need to get done, DVDs need to get done - working on them this week
* had some yummy sri lankan food at Sigiri restaurant in East Village (91 1st avenue), met some very cool people there (the owners & workers), go check 'em out.
- Oh, Alison Wilmore of the The IFC blog sent me some Qs re: DIY distribution. Perhaps I will get some IFC press soon.
Off to DC, 4 hour drive, talk to you soon. Goodbye for now New York City, we will see each other again in a couple of weeks or soooner. oh yes we will
- Sujewa