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Jeff Krulik, Amir Motlagh, Brian "The Publicist" Geldin, Variety article, iW blog ad, DNO 8/31 - 9 PM Pioneer

Just spent a few minutes chatting with DC based filmmaker Jeff Krulik. Jeff was at the Kensington Row Bookshop to videotape a friend talking about his book about Jim Morrison of The Doors & the time Morrison spent living in Alexandria, VA. I am going to try to do an interview with Jeff re: his films & upcoming projects. He is famous for making Heavy Metal Parking Lot.

Amir makes good movies (he is working on a feature called Whale right now), so when he called me around 2 AM this morning & told me that he just saw Date Number One & congratulated me on it, told me that he likes the movie a lot, it was a very nice moment. Amir said he will write & publish on the web a review of the flick very soon. Will post the link as soon as I see it. Thanks for checking out the movie Mr. Amir.

Brian "The Film Panel Notetaker" Geldin (website, MySpace) is the publicist I hired to help get the word out re: the 8/31 screening of Date Number One in NYC. Judging by his daily updates, looks like he is hard at work on spreading the word re: the NYC premiere of DNO. Will have more notes on working w/ a publicist soon, & perhaps an interview w/ Brian re: his "mysterious" & "powerful" craft. Thanks for all your hard work (& the excellent rate) Mr. Brian.

The interview for the Variety article has not happened yet. Should happen relatively soon.

Last night I bought (after much tedious work on the computer: setting up a PayPal account, formatting an image, etc., etc.,) an ad at an indieWIRE blog. It was affordable & I am a big fan of the said blog & blogger (will be named once the ad comes out). I am waiting for the ad to be approved by the "editor" (of iW? from the blog ad co?). We'll see if it goes through & will let ya know once the ad is up. The ad will be promoting the 8/31 Pioneer Theater screening of Date Number One.

I am making plans for several NYC trips. I'll definitely be there at Pioneer on 8/31 for the NYC premiere festivities. If you want to attend & see Date Number One, meet the director & perhaps some of the stars, you can buy tickets now.

That is the latest from the Capital City.

- Sujewa

Christmas Eve controversial, fun discussion - 1 of the best American indie filmmakers - Amir Motlagh

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