There's a nice small towney/old timey feel to this: "Kensington filmmaker screens in Town Hall" :: Happy July 4th!
The Armory Building in Kensington houses the town government & other facilities & the performance space there (often used for plays) is also used for elections & town meetings, so the venue is also known as the Town Hall. There's a nice small town feel to this brief mention of the Date Number One 7/12 -18 run in today's (July 4) Kensington Gazette (there should be a larger article about the event in next week's paper), it's like something out of that TV show Ed or Northern Exposure or something :) , very cool :
"Kensington filmmaker screens in Town Hall
Kensington filmmaker Sujewa Ekanayake will hit the lights in town hall and screen his film ‘‘Date Number One” for a week.
He will be on hand at 7:30 p.m. each night from July 12-18 at 3710 Mitchell St., screening the comedy about five first dates. The movie costs $7 per person.
Ekanayake said the movie is split up into five first dates including a ninja’s blind date, one with a woman constantly using air quotes and one where a character learns a unique lesson in the French language."
See the mention at Gazette's website here (scroll down to item two). Thanks Gazette!And Happy 4th everyone! Hope you get some rest, have some fun, & catch some firework with friends & or otherwise rock out & celebrate yer independence.
- Sujewa