A few friends of Fritz (DNO actor & crew, 4th from left), on closing night of the run - Wed 7/18.
That's an image from Story 1. There are people in the theater, in the front rows, even if you can't seem them in this photo :)
A few more audience members from the closing night - Wed 7/18.
More people on closing night.
That's Fritz on L, Stephen J. on R, working the door.
DNO poster at town's sign, close up.
:: Wed 7/11, 9:20 PM:
I should have done this at SilverDocs, keeping all the posts re: that one event as a part of one post, so that I won't have to go back later & work on pulling everything together to read my notes from several days/from one event. So here goes;
- Went over all the preparations for the event today, got final (for now) posters up in Kensington, tested out the gear & venue (a most excellent venue - tall ceilings, lots of space) one more time. Will have pics soon. Everything is running smoothly, with back up plans in place & tested.
- Waiting for the Gazette to come out. Also City Paper tomorrow. We'll see if we also get anything in the Post, very likely. Press & publicity work continues, and will continue every day of the run.
- This run is gonna be awesome - lots of excitement & positive energy re: it in Kensington.
- About 14 little tasks to do 'till we open for bidness tomorraw; according to my 2 Do list. Off to get some of that sh*t done right now!
More tomorrow- from day 1 of the first ever week long run of DNO!!!!!!! It took a loooong time (since late Spring '04) to get to this point, glad we got here baby, glad we got here.
:: Wed 7/11, 10:09 PM:
Got this week's Gazette, nothing re: the flick in it-perhaps that interview they did will be published next week. It's a good thing we've got the CP ad, On Tap article, fliers, e-mails, blog press, & word of mouth definitely happening.
:: Wed 7/11, 11:14 PM:
Still working the publicity machine-updating all the blogs. Need to get that wilddiner.com website updated ASAP too. Full-on 7/12-18 run publicity work is on!
:: Thu 7/12, 12:25 AM:
Doing a US wide theatrical release w/in a short period of time - even w/in a couple of years, is a lot of work & is very expensive- too expensive for most low budget indie filmmakers, BUT, producing a week long run of a film at one venue is doable -w/the right venue & the right film. Coupled with bookings & fest screenings/other screenings elsewhere, & w/ blog & other internet exposure & whatever print exposure that can be had, with DVD sales & rentals & VOD following closely, a DIY film could be "released" by a DIY filmmaker- independently & on a low budget, w/ in a relatively short amount of time (3 mos - 1 year after completion of film perhaps). That is at least the path that Date Number One is traveling on at the moment/or at least one possible direction for it to go at the moment. Stuff to think about.
In order to embrace that future the Hollywood/Indiewood idea of success will have to be fully put aside. Is that truly possible & is that even something to aspire to? More stuff to think about.
Regardless of the future paths, producing a week long run of the movie is a very satisfying & happiness-inducing thing. In that sense the event is already a massive success; I've been high on this thing for like 3 months or so now. Now let's see how many people show up to the show today & how they like it :)
rest of day, Thu 7/12:
Mike Tully publishes his interview with me re: DNO & the 7/12 - 18 run. Thanks Mike!
I found out that the Gazette did publish an awesome article re: me & DNO, because of the 7/12 - 18 run. Happiness all around.
Opening night notes. A good time was had by all there, myself included. Thanks a lot to everyone who came.
Mon 7/16
It's early AM - 2:53 to be exact and I am looking forward to some much needed sleep. Some quick thoughts;
- Sujewa