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The Cookies & Cream/Sexy Int'l Fest Adventure

We'll get to a proper review or the proper reviews of Cookies & Cream soon (we are still thinking it over), but, in the meantime, let me share with you some details from a DIY film event that took place on Saturday night in Manhattan. Things started off around 6 PM in Brooklyn - I was tired from traveling all over Brooklyn searching for apartments in the cold. So, as I finished up my dinner I decided to skip the Cookies & Cream screening, but right then local filmmaker & blogger Tambay Obenson called & said he is on his way to the screening - Tambay was heading out from Brooklyn. And I already knew that Brian "The Film Panel Notetaker" Geldin was heading over to the screening from Queens. So, I decided to ignore the tiredness & drag myself over to Manhattan to check out Princeton Holt's debut feature - specially since I told both Tambay & Brian about the screening & suggested that we all go to it.

The screening itself was a well attended & lively event. Afterwards there was a brief question & answer session, with Princeton & the cast & crew getting a lot of love from the audience made up of friends, family, & strangers (in one case, a little too much love - some dude kept yelling out "P-Diddy!" every 5-10 minutes during the Q & A session - it wasn't fun after a while).

Afterwards the cast & crew & quite a few of the audience members from the screenings went to the nearby Holiday Inn bar, drank, eat, & hung out. I made several new NYC DIY filmmaker, actor, & musician/composer friends. More on them & their projects soon.

At the end of the day I was very glad I went on the Cookies & Cream adventure. Check out the movie or the Sexy International Film Festival if you get a chance.
And, if you are a blogger & you want to check out C & C so that you can write about it, get in touch with Princeton & see what can be arranged - flick is definitely a great debut feature - but more on that later.

- Sujewa

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