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9 new Canon G70 cinematic videos - great prosumer/ENG camcorder for indie/arthouse fiction feature filmmakers
* * * 9 - * Related links/ads: 1 - What Does It Take to Make an Oscar Nominated Short? with Carter Pilcher Head of Oscar Shorts Program - https://youtu.be/jDyuh4lTtCw?si=rW359IxuX9At7ylj 2 - OSCAR Glory! Nominated Shorts in Theaters Now with Carter Pilcher - https://youtu.be/3B0E7XogUKw?si=vWtTNsBwD83iRetA 3 - AMAZING History of Shorts Films at the Oscars with Carter Pilcher - https://youtu.be/lzoK1jSVhs4?si=Eqf-xU3NyqWCjqpf 4 - Shorts are a Great Way for Diverse Filmmakers to Break In to Hollywood with OSCAR SHORTS in theaters - https://youtu.be/j1acZMP1UoM?si=jgh7aYHdOtrHS-tD 5 - Behind the Curtain at OSCAR SHORTS in Theaters today! with Carter Pilcher - https://youtu.be/_tksILN0ijY?si=pRf1KBoUTtfIvmYn 6 - 20th annual Oscar® Nominated Short Films Theatrical Release with Carter Pilcher - https://youtu.be/rRElIGbFKZ0?si=k75QkzpmLheCmJJ8 7 - African Influence on American Jazz | Soundtrack to a Coup D...