It is absolutely essential that we establish a culture of making & distributing films independent of Hollywood & Indiewood ambitions & support & control structures in order to keep things interesting, alive, open, & keep indie film growing as an art form, a form of entertainment, a delivery method for new & interesting ideas, an avenue for personal & community freedom & expression, also to keep indie film as an accessible small business practice open to all. Not gonna be easy to do, & the way is not clear as to how we will get to the destinations mentioned earlier, but we'll figure it out. And now, for the inspirational quote, from DC musician Guy Picciotto (Fugazi, etc.), from the 90's, from book Dance of Days: Two Decades of Punk in the Nation's Capital, from page 323:
" "We'll keep on putting out our own records, managing ourselves, booking ourselves, and staying supremely autonomous," said Picciotto. "We never got in a band to be popular. Basically we like to play our music. We considered ourselves a success from our first show just because we played. I consider the band to be getting better because we're getting along better. Those are the kind of things I'm interested in as opposed to how many people are coming to the shows or how much the records are selling." "
More at the book Dance of Days.
Consider that approach indie filmmakers; benchmarks of success far different from the ones Hollywood & Indiewood have for themselves. Sure, Picciotto was talking about music making, but his approach to determining success can easily be applied to film making. Do it 'cause you love to do it, do it with means available to you or get what you need to do it however you can, and make the finished work available to people however you can, & then repeat with the next project - don't worry about critical praise or distribution deals - make films like art, show & sell it as such, slowly grow the practice/business at a pace & scale comfortable & enjoyable to you. If the ways that will work best for your filmmaking practice have not been invented yet, then invent them. Experiment, fail, enjoy, get it together, succeed (on your own terms).
- Sujewa
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