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Showing posts from February, 2010

Now you can buy "Whale" DVD from Amazon

Go to Amazon to get Amir Motlagh's beautifully shot DIY feature 'Whale" on DVD. For more on "Whale" go to Motlagh's site (also for other buying options, if u r not down with Amazon). - S ::  :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino - Italian Genealogy, Public Strategy Group, & more! - Blogger: User Profile: alfonse maiorino Alfonse Maiorino / Al Maiorino blog -  almaiorino Alfonse Maiorino - Linkedin New Projects COMING SOON at: Alfonse Maiorino blog 2 Alfonse Maiorino blog 3 Alfonse Maiorino blog 4 Alfon...

"Whale" screening in PA in March

Get all the info at "Whale" director Amir Motlagh's blog . - S ::  :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino - Italian Genealogy, Public Strategy Group, & more! - Blogger: User Profile: alfonse maiorino Alfonse Maiorino / Al Maiorino blog -  almaiorino Alfonse Maiorino - Linkedin New Projects COMING SOON at: Alfonse Maiorino blog 2 Alfonse Maiorino blog 3 Alfonse Maiorino blog 4 Alfonse Maiorino blog 5 Links at Alfonse Maiorino Blog...

Making "How To Make It In America"

Saw 1.5 episodes (saw all of ep 1, but came in on the 2nd half of episode 2, will have to watch all of it later) of this new HBO show - pretty good (i'll watch pretty much anything that's half decent & shows NYC a lot :) Here's a 10 min. video about the making of the show:   - S ::  :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino - Italian Genealogy, Public Strategy Group, & more! - Blogger: User Profile: alfonse maiorino Alfonse Maiorino / Al Maiorino blog -  almaiorino Alfonse Maiorino - Linkedin New Projects COMING SOON at: Alfonse Maiorino blog 2 Alfonse Maiorino blog 3 Alfonse Maiorino blog 4 http...

Weird war movies night OR all that I learned from The Hurt Locker was...

Saw The Hurt Locker & The Great Raid tonight. Locker was like a weird art movie, except set in "Iraq" (maybe it was because I knew that it was shot somewhere in the US - I believe - that the environment in the movie did not "feel" like Iraq - not that I've been there, but just from watching other movies & TV shows & news), and pretty much all I learned from watching the movie is that bomb disposal is difficult & deadly work (which I knew already). There was really no plot to the movie - it was like a mumblecore war movie - except with even less of a plot than most mumblecore movies. Basically you see soldiers at war & off duty, and you get to see - in some detail - the challenges encountered by battlefield bomb disposal units - but there wasn't any story - just a few characters & a situation. But a lot of people are really into the movie, and it's nominated for an Oscar or two I believe, so, I guess Locker was just not for m...

Trust probably about 20 years old now

:: :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino - Italian Genealogy, Public Strategy Group, & more! - Blogger: User Profile: alfonse maiorino Alfonse Maiorino / Al Maiorino blog -  almaiorino Alfonse Maiorino - Linkedin New Projects COMING SOON at: Alfonse Maiorino blog 2 Alfonse Maiorino blog 3 Alfonse Maiorino blog 4 Alfonse Maiorino blog 5 Links at Alfonse Maiorino Blogger Profile page: ...

Switched gets a peek at Panasonic's new $21K 3D camera

:: :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino - Italian Genealogy, Public Strategy Group, & more! - Blogger: User Profile: alfonse maiorino Alfonse Maiorino / Al Maiorino blog -  almaiorino Alfonse Maiorino - Linkedin New Projects COMING SOON at: Alfonse Maiorino blog 2 Alfonse Maiorino blog 3 Alfonse Maiorino blog 4 Alfonse Maiorino blog 5 Links at Alfonse Maiorino Blogger Profile page:

Shooting 3D on HD for $250

Check out the Engadget article on how it can be done . Here's some $250 3D video: $250 3D Camera Test (Anaglyph) from Ron Proctor on Vimeo . ::  :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino - Italian Genealogy, Public Strategy Group, & more! - Blogger: User Profile: alfonse maiorino Alfonse Maiorino / Al Maiorino blog -  almaiorino Alfonse Maiorino - Linkedin New Projects COMING SOON at: Alfonse Maiorino blog 2 Alfonse Maiorino blog 3 Alfonse Maiorino blog 4 Alfonse Maiorino blog 5

Looking forward to watching Kevin Smith deal with his Southwest Airlines trauma in his future movies :: A friend's troubles with NYC Social Services

Why do I think Smith will or should highlight what is, at best, horrible customer service by Southwest Airlines recently in one of his future movies? Because the attention may cause Southwest to keep an eye on their customer service practices. Because only one out of many unhappy customers or clients will speak up against a business or a government agency and when that one person finally does speak up the misbehaving or allegedly misbehaving entity usually (hopefully) reviews their policies & may end up, at least for a while, putting a new focus on providing better customer service - which may benefit many people. Now, a wealthy (right?) & famous (somewhat? at least in the indie world) movie director being inconvenienced & made to feel bad about himself is definitely not a good thing, but this Southwest vs. Smith episode makes me think of a recent, somewhat similar incident I witnessed - and was somewhat a part of - re: a NYC Medicaid office vs. a poor woman - so now is...

Winter will be over soon - it's prep time for Spring!

In a couple of weeks it will be March; warmer weather, more sunlight, & time to break out the cameras & start shooting outdoors. This March I am looking forward to completing Brooklyn Fantastic (working on script for story 2 now, story 1 was filmed in early '09). And before that, this month, after I get a whole bunch of day job work done, Date Number One & Indie Film Blogger Road Trip on DVD. And in March I need to release Unlimited Dreamtime . That's the near future forecast for Wild Diner Films . Be back in a week or so with some goodies. Oh, and happy Valentines Day for all you romantics - in celebration here's some video from Holloween '09 NYC ('cause Holloween is a more visually interesting semi-holiday than Valentines, & no doubt some romantic action happens on Halloween too): :: :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino - Italian Genealogy, Public Strategy Group, & more! - Blogger: User Profile...

Greg Pak Hulking out - from '08

Greg Pak, director of indie movie " Robot Stories ", talks about his work for Marvel Comics: :: :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino - Italian Genealogy, Public Strategy Group, & more! - Blogger: User Profile: alfonse maiorino Alfonse Maiorino / Al Maiorino blog -  almaiorino Alfonse Maiorino - Linkedin New Projects COMING SOON at: Alfonse Maiorino blog 2 Alfonse Maiorino blog 3 Alfonse Maiorino blog 4 Alfonse Maiorino blog 5 Lin...

Video about shooting "Che" on video/Red

Not a fan of the movie "Che" since it appeared to be just a one sided bio-epic made for fans of Guevara (I'd like to see a more HBO's John Adams type movie about Guevara & the Cuban revolution - covering the positive & the negative - both the anti-colonial beginnings & the eventual military dictatorship outcome aspects of the still unfolding historical event - maybe watching "Che" & "Before Night Falls" & " The Lost City " & "Buena Vista Social Club" in one sitting would do :) , but, the movie did look good. Here's a video about making the movie using the Red camera (thanks Shadow & Act for the video), (also, re: Cuba, we should definitely lift the embargo , the economic benefits of free trade will most likely be for Cubans a great ambassador for all things good about America): Che and the Digital Cinema Revolution from high rez on Vimeo . ::  :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino ...

Meeting Andrei Tarkovsky trailer :: 2/13 & 14 screenings in Pasadena

For info on upcoming screenings, go here . And here's the trailer for the doc: :: :: ADVERTISEMENT Alfonse Maiorino - Italian Genealogy, Public Strategy Group, & more! - Blogger: User Profile: alfonse maiorino Alfonse Maiorino / Al Maiorino blog -  almaiorino Alfonse Maiorino - Linkedin New Projects COMING SOON at: Alfonse Maiorino blog 2 Alfonse Maiorino blog 3 Alfonse Maiorino blog 4 Alfonse Maiorino blog 5 Links at Alfonse Maior...

NW Documentary wants your movies

A message from Portland's NW Documentary : "NW Documentary, a non-profit organization, is building a documentary resource center and lending library that will support and enhance our dynamic catalog of educational workshops and make materials available to anyone in our community with a passion or curiosity for non-fiction storytelling. This unique resource center will house a circulating collection of non-fiction DVDs, books and reference materials that support the curriculum of workshops offered by NW Documentary, a collection of local music for use in student projects, and a website featuring links to online resources. With this project, it is our goal to make available an array of independently produced documentary films to a wide audience that might not otherwise have access to them. To achieve this goal, we need the help of independent filmmakers around the country. NW Documentary is asking for donations of non-fiction films on DVD to help fill our shelves and make this u...

Q: which one or two of the producers at Sundance Round Table would be best for helping you fight & win against an Aliens & Predators attack?

So, let's say one day you find yourself caught in the middle of an Aliens and Predators fight, as described in the trailer below: And let's say you have the ability to bring one or two of the producers from the Sundance Producers Round table to help you survive & win against the two types of monsters mentioned above. Who would you bring? And why? Please elaborate. In order to properly formulate your answer you may want to watch all 3 parts of the Producers Round Table. Part 1 is below, and you can find part 2 here , and part 3 here . The person who provides the best answer (best as determined solely by me, using classified criteria) will win brunch (keep it under $20) from a Brooklyn restaurant. Good luck! And here's Part 1 of the Producer's Round Table:

There you go, I have yet another blog

One of my arch enemies once complained that I spend too much time blogging. Yup, that happens - and quite often I start new blogs but I end up using most of them only once in a great while after a while - not sure how often this new one - The Bestest NYC Bookstores Blog Ever - my 34th or 35th blog I think - will be used. But it is now alive! Yaiee, more diversion for you :)

Which NYC bookstore had the best customer service this week?

Inspired by my policy (started oh about a year ago i think) of not reviewing films by other indie filmmakers (since i may have to work w/ them in the future & thus a negative review would get in the way of our working relationship) I won't go into details about what I did not like about the customer service experiences I had at 2 out of the 3 NYC bookstores that I visited this week for various purposes - mostly work related. But, perhaps a little bit of information - one bookstore is on the west side (should west side be in caps? probably) - an independent bookstore - pretty good service. The second bookstore has "miles and miles" of books - another independent bookstore - again, pretty good service - better this week than the last time I was there - about two weeks ago. But, the winner - for best customer service that I experienced - out of the 3 NYC bookstores that I visited this week (so far) goes to Borders near Penn Station . Had a very upbeat & enthusiastic...

Christmas Eve controversial, fun discussion - 1 of the best American indie filmmakers - Amir Motlagh

Inside the Arthouse ep 2

Full Movie - SNEAK PREVIEW - Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers


The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - available to rent as a new release starting January 1

Werewolf Ninja Philosopher at Vimeo VOD

Reading Material

Indie Film Blogger Road Trip