A message from Portland's NW Documentary:
"NW Documentary, a non-profit organization, is building a documentary resource center and lending library that will support and enhance our dynamic catalog of educational workshops and make materials available to anyone in our community with a passion or curiosity for non-fiction storytelling. This unique resource center will house a circulating collection of non-fiction DVDs, books and reference materials that support the curriculum of workshops offered by NW Documentary, a collection of local music for use in student projects, and a website featuring links to online resources.
With this project, it is our goal to make available an array of independently produced documentary films to a wide audience that might not otherwise have access to them. To achieve this goal, we need the help of independent filmmakers around the country. NW Documentary is asking for donations of non-fiction films on DVD to help fill our shelves and make this unique and exciting resource a reality for Portland's filmmaking community. If you would like to share your film with us by making a tax-deductible contribution to our library please send your DVDs to:
NW Documentary Arts & Media
115 SW Ash St. STE 620
Portland, OR. 97204
If you have questions please contact me, carson@nwdocumentary.org, or see our website.
Thank you for helping us build our resource center.
- Carson Mischel"
Check out the NW Documentary's site here.